Chapter 12

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"Oh my goodness! What is that!"

"How did they think of entering the palace dressed like that?"

"Is that person in front, a woman?"

When five young men dressed in dark clothes appeared in the banquet hall, the nobles became excited.

The smallest among them walked up to the emperor and knelt down on one knee, and everyone craned their necks to get a closer look at him.

"May the utmost glory be upon the imperial family. "Asha Amir del Pervaz, Lord of Pervaz, sends greetings."

Everyone looked surprised at those words.

"Heh, Pervaz?"

"No way, extraterritorial land of Pervaz? In the northernmost part?"

But no one would have been more surprised than the emperor.

"Asha Amir del Pervaz? Amir?"

"Yes Your Majesty. Amir Rowansson Sara del Pervaz is my father."

Because of the imperial custom of putting the father's name next to one's own name, the Emperor could immediately tell whose daughter Asha was. At the same time, a memory that he had completely forgotten was quickly becoming clear in his mind.

[Amir! Amir!]

[You're a hero!]

[I survived thanks to Amir! Thank you, Rivato!]

Amir, a brave knight who was revered as a hero who saved the imperial army in his first war. Amir, a country bumpkin who didn't know how to flatter or charm others, lacked any sense. Amir del Pervaz, a loyal subject who had been treated by the crown prince as a mortal enemy out of envy, but left, saying he would obediently obey his orders.

"If you are a lord now.....Amir must be dead."

"He was killed in action five years ago. Because of the succession to the title, the news was reported to the imperial palace the following year."

"Ah, was that so?"

The emperor felt strangely relieved when he heard that Amir had died five years ago. Because another one of the people who made him suffer from an inferiority complex has disappeared.

"Are you the only child that Amir had?"

"No. I had three older brothers, but they were all killed. Since I was the only survivor, I inherited the title of Margrave Pervaz."

"Are all his sons dead too? Oh my! It's late, but I pray for the peace of your father and brothers."

The emperor's voice, praying for his soul to rest in peace, was extremely light to the point of mockery. Before Asha and the others could get angry, the nobles around them started talking.

"What is that on your head?"

Someone exclaimed in astonishment at the sight of Asha's hair, which had about half of her scalp braided into several braids, and at the same time, the nobles were talking loudly about Asha's outfit.

"For a woman to walk around dressed like that, my god, no matter how much she came from the countryside........!"

"They say they live mixed with barbarians in Pervaz. It looks like Pervaz has become a completely barbarian land."

"Then is she a barbarian princess?"

"Barbarian princess! That's it!"

The nickname someone made up quickly spread around and became a derogatory term pointing fingers at Asha. However, Asha's expression did not change at all.

Age of arrogance novel (machine translated with some grammatical edits)Where stories live. Discover now