Chapter 14

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Carlisle wiped his smile away and spoke to the Emperor with a serious and stern tone in his voice.

"I have already been thinking about the 'service to the empire' that His Majesty spoke of, and I think this may be the start of that."

"What does you mean?" The emperor asked back with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Wouldn't it be for the good of our empire not only to help my father keep the promise made in his name, but also to help rebuild Pervaz, which was devastated by the war?"

Even though the Emperor's stomach was churning at Carlisle's calm answer, he could not refute it.

"But Per... ... ! No, no." The emperor sighed and shook his head.

Now the money to give to Pervaz was not the problem.

'How many noble families can be squeezed out through Carlisle's marriage, not just Pervaz!'

The good news was that divorce was recognized under imperial law.

'Yes, he is acting brave now, but as soon as he gets to Pervaz, he will change his mind and divorce.'

Even before being incorporated into the empire, Pervaz suffered from attacks by barbarians and monsters. Even without going there in person, one could well have guessed that the land would be like.

'Well, that girl must have risked her life to do something like this.'

The Emperor looked down at Asha with disapproval and decided to put it on hold for now.

"I think we need some discussion between Margrave Pervaz and Carlisle. Let the chamberlain take his place, and Margrave Pervaz, take a step back and wait."

With that, the unprecedented 'Crown Princess Selection' came to an end.

* * *

"Your Majesty! What on earth were you thinking... ... !"

The first person to run to Carlisle, who had left his position to speak alone with Asha, was Giles Rappelt, another of Carlisle's close associates.

"Ah, it's been a while, Lord Rappelt. How did the funeral service go for your mother?"

"Do you feel like smiling and greeting me right now, Your Majesty?"

"of course! In fact, for the first time since my father stripped me of my title as crown prince, I feel very happy."

Carlisle couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered Asha's words hitting his father on the back of the head. But Giles was in no mood to laugh.

"I should have been by your side. I shouldn't have left you at this time!"

He had just returned the day before after staying at the Rappelt estate for about a month to look after his dead mother's funeral, inheritance issues, and other minor issues at the estate. On the way back, he heard the news that Carlisle was deposed as the crown prince, and he was so embarrassed and enraged that he thought he was going to collapse, holding the back of my neck.

"Does it make sense that the mother passed away and the children did not visit?"

"She have eight children, so would it be noticeable if I didn't go? But look at what the consequences of me being away from Your Majesty are!"

He was convinced that if he had been by Carlisle's side, Carlisle would never have fallen for the Empress's tricks.

"Of course it was shameful, but let's just say it's a minor incident in life. In the end, won't it be Carlisle Evaristo who becomes the emperor of the Chad Empire?"

Age of arrogance novel (machine translated with some grammatical edits)Where stories live. Discover now