Chapter 15: The source of his joy, the center of her world... fiery reunion!

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Jaxon Spencer vs. Catherine 'Kate' Stevens

Pix: Jax & Kate

Video: Back for Good by Take That

Dedicated to: SHIRERIDER

This was intended to be the final chapter, but due to its length, I've decided to split it into two parts. Therefore, you can look forward to one more chapter, which will truly be the conclusion.



In the dim glow of the early morning, Kate stood in her empty apartment in the Pack house and allowed her gaze to sweep over the familiar surroundings. She hadn't slept there in a while. Not since she started sharing Jaxon's room in the mansion. She felt herself tear up as she took in the neat room she'd slept in for the past four years. She'd moved in when she reached the age of eighteen. Gloria thought she was old and responsible enough to have her own space. She'd been over the moon, she recalled. That house had become her sanctuary.

Kate reflected on her myriad of experiences in that apartment, from the joyful gatherings to moments of youthful sorrow. Each part of the house held special memories for her. As she prepared to start a new chapter, she felt a mix of excitement and sadness. Although she longed deeply for her mate—craved his touch and desire and was eager for the life ahead, her heart was heavy with sadness at leaving her beloved home.

A few of her belongings had been left in the room she'd shared with Jaxon in the mansion, designated as their space for future visits. Ryan had decided to teleport ahead with the rest of her stuff. His plan was to leave them in the room he'd shared with Jeremy during their visit. Jaxon had no idea what was going on and Kate couldn't wait to see the surprise on his face when he finally found out. After a final look at her home of four years, Kate left for the mansion, to wait for Jeremy and Philip, who were meeting with the elders.

"Oh wow!" Kate's breath hitched, her eyes brimming with tears as she gazed at the growing crowd gathered in front of the mansion. People continued to arrive from every direction, each one clearly there to bid her farewell.

The sight of their familiar faces, excited smiles, and warm expressions touched her deeply. Overwhelmed, she parked her car, rested her head against the steering wheel, and surrendered to her tears. A chorus of shocked gasps filled the air as the crowd witnessed their stoic head of warriors breaking down, a sight most of them had never seen before. When Kate heard a rap on her window, she lifted her head to see Paige beckoning her to join them. Kate stepped out of the car and heaved a sigh as Paige wrapped her in a comforting embrace.

"This has definitely got to be the handiwork of that baby," Paige whispered, coaxing a gentle laugh from Kate despite her tears.

"I've been crying a lot of late, you know." Kate groaned.

"I blame this baby's daddy for all the previous tears," Paige responded, making Kate laugh some more.

"I agree this particular one is the baby's fault," Stan said, rubbing Kate on the back.

"I feel as if I'm drowning in a sea of emotions," Kate groaned, stepping into Stan's embrace. After a moment, she stepped back and spotted Will. Surprised, she asked, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Known for his early starts, Will's presence added to the unexpected moments of the day.

"And miss all this?" Will chuckled, hugging Kate.

"Aw, how sweet. Thank you."

Kate was enveloped in a series of warm hugs from the crowd, which included almost all the pack's warriors, there to see off their leader. Some lifted and twirled her joyfully, while others tried to conceal their sadness with brave smiles as they gave her lingering embraces. Others simply cried, which sparked fresh tears from Kate.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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