Chapter 3

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Walking out of the house, I am slapped by the sunlight, blinding me at first. After a few seconds, adjusting my eyes, I take in the surroundings. It is not like the place I am used to. In fact, the neighborhood is different. Actually, there is almost next to nothing near Tori's house. In the distance, I spot a banner or something. I started walking towards it, hoping to spot something. It's calm and quiet here, with just greenery surrounding her house. Just too peaceful for me. A few steps in, I spotted another house. This one is huge, like Tori's as well, not like hers though, but equally big and expensive looking. Damn! This is an expensive neighborhood. Other than the houses separated by what looks like half a mile in between them, the street otherwise is pretty dead, which doesn't bode well with me. Shaking my head, I continued walking. I mean, I know I have to remember about my leg and I should not strain it more, but it is fine and not acting up, so I am going to walk, learning about the neighborhood, I mean, I have to, right? Getting to know the place I will be living in for at least the next two years is essential. And what better way to know about the place than to walk around? I sound weird, but it is me I suppose. I did not want to stay in the room and go into a tailspin with all the things I was thinking about. It would not have been pretty. I mean I already sort of gave myself a migraine with a single thought that led to thinking more and more. Polygon Paradox, that is where it started and ended up with me trying to figure out why my sister left me behind, as if I will ever solve that mystery. Chuckling at my stupidly, I continued walking, not really realizing that I already crossed the banner or what I had seen earlier. When I looked up though, I realized it was the end of the street. Weird, this is a dead end road. Then how the hell did we drive in through here? I was sure we would drive in this way. Looking around, I realized I had taken a misstep and ended up on this dead-end street. I walk a few steps back and continue on the left, and soon I spot a café, followed by some small shops with cute awnings. It looks very different from the houses back there. Giving this place a totally different vibe than I was expecting. I like it, its chic, and kind of cool.

Funny thing about the shops is they are tucked away on one side of the street in a perfectly straight line away from the street and away from the houses in a very interesting way, as if they are hidden. Or maybe the houses are hidden from the locals walking down this street. The latter is very possible, seeing as the houses look like they belong to important rich people. Suppose Tori falls under that. Huh! My sister, Tori. Wait, what does that make me, a pompous ass? I hope not. Dad was enough. Chuckling nice again, I continue walking more, and soon I come across a small park. It's almost too small, but it is there, and it is gorgeous. Well maintained shrubs, perfectly cut to the same height, well maintained flowers. Looks like people maintain this park day and night. Damn! It is very pretty though, and I can see myself spending a lot of time in this park. Just chilling, taking in the view, maybe even thinking and drowning myself in all the questions that surround my life. But for now, I am not stopping. I have had enough thinking for not just this morning, I would say today. Although, I just realized I have yet to see another soul here. It does not matter what their age is at this point, but the preference is always a teenager. That will help me get to know who my schoolmates could be considering. I will be starting Junior year soon. Fuck! No, everything will be okay. New school, new people, all will be fine. It has to.

A few more steps in, I spotted a bridge at the edge of the already small park. Okay, I did almost not spot it at the first glance. I like the design of this town with all these unintentional hidden corners and all. Seems like someone like me designed it, and put a lot of thought into the particular design of placement of buildings and everything. It's very organized, arranged and very hidden compartment style, with lots of places to hide and nooks and crannies. Crossing the bridge, I spot a lake and the park continues to this side as well, and it is huge on this side. Huh, maybe that is why it looks small from the other side. There are boats on the lake as well and there is a dock on this side of the park. Cool, nice spot. Wonder who owns the boats.

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