Chapter Six

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Toshinori leans against the wall watching Kami and Izuku on the ground next to the truck, it's been a long day, and the sun is setting in the sky. They have been here all day and it's a lot to ask of Kami, let alone Midoriya. Kami has given herself big cat claws to show Izuku aspects of her quirk. He's so excited to watch her morph her body into different thing. The claws, a tentacle, his own face. But Toshinori can tell that Kami is tired. She's worn herself and her quirk out. She's slowing, making mistakes. Subtle, but he sees them. She is not infinite. He pushes himself away from the wall and heads towards the pair. To end today's training. If Kami is tired, then Midoriya most definitively is.

"Let's call it a day," Toshinori tells them both, causing them to look up at him. Kami returns her face from mocking All Might's to her own. Midoriya pushes himself to his feet and nods in agreement. "Follow the routine" Toshinori continues. "Today will be the only full day you'll spend training with me, because you both have school. Though Kami will be here every evening if you have any questions" Midoriya nods. "But I'll see you next Sunday" He ruffles Midoriya's hair before he walks off. Only pausing to look back and wave at Kami who smiles a little and waves back at him as Toshinori approaches her. Kami pushes herself to her feet with a groan. Aching and tired now. She stumbles a little, exhausted but Toshinori is immediately there, wrapping an arm around her to keep her upright. "I have you, kiddo" He whispers softly.

"Thanks, Dad" She offers back as she sinks into his side. "I knew the bear would be costly but..."

"But it looked cool and you wanted to show off a little" He points out, already knowing why she picked the polar bear and why she sat and showed Midoriya what else she could do

"I don't get to do it very often" She defends as they walk towards their home. He chuckles and squeezes his arm around her.

"I know" He assures her. She doesn't get to go into the bigger animal forms all that often due to space restraints. They live in a small apartment and public use of quirks are limited. She doesn't usually have the space to go for something big. Which means that she doesn't get to practice all that much either. UA should help her with that. It will give her the space and time and guidance to push her forward, to push her quirk into better limits. One day bears will be easy for her.


The couch is a welcome sight and comfort for Kami when they return home. Kami shrugs out of her jacket and dumps her bag at the end of the couch before she sits down. She groans a little and stretches her arms over her head, sinking into the couch. It has been a long day for her. Using her quirk as much as she does. Toshinori drops a collection of take-out menus into her lap and then drops down to sit at her side.

"Take your pick," He tells her.

"Because this is an All Might approved meal?" She teases him. Considering that he was very clear with Midoriya about sticking to the plan. Toshinori shakes his head and shrugs a little.

"You spent a lot today and I know you haven't eaten much" He points out. "You need to replenish"

"But you can't eat this stuff..."

"Stop worrying and pick something" He scolds her softly, leaning over to kiss her head before he stands. "I'll find you a clean hoodie" He knows how to look after her when she's pushed herself. Good food and a nice warm hoodie in front of the television. Kami opens up the first menu to look over the items. She already knows what she is going to pick, because it is what she always picks. Toshinori appears and sets a hoody on the back of the couch and rejoins her.

"You know that the next ten months are going to be hard" He points out. "With school and training..."

"I know" She assures him and takes a deep breath. "I know I have to step it up...I know that only the best get in and I have to be at my best"

"You could have allowed me to send in a recommendation" He argues and gives her a look. "Then you wouldn't have to worry about this" She hums a little and flips through the menus. She didn't want help getting into UA. She wanted to get in because she deserved to get in. Because she proved that she belonged there. Because she worked hard and excelled in the exam. Not because her daddy wrote a letter. Nepotism is hardly very heroic. She holds out a menu towards him and he snorts. It's well-worn. More so than any of the others. One they order from often enough. Toshinori takes it from her.

"The usual?" He asks and she nods, leaning into his side. He curls an arm around her shoulders and kisses her head softly. "What did you think of him?" He questions. "Midoriya?"

"He's very...." She starts and then sighs a little as she tries to come up with the best words to explain what she sees in him. She can see why Toshinori picked him. There is a restrained strength inside of him. A curiosity and compassion. A desire and will. She holds out her hand and lets her quirk activate, the purple aura of it wrapping around her limb. "If I could get a read on him....then I would have an answer for you" She sighs and looks at him. "But I didn't think you'd appreciate me touching him with this" She admits and curls her fingers into her palm, turning off her quirk. "I like him as your protegee" She assures him and then yawns into the back of her hand. Toshinori nudges her up a little so he can stand.

"Put on the hoodie, pick something to watch and I will order food" He tells her as she blindly reaches back for the hoody whilst her other hand reaches for the television remote on the coffee table.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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