Chapter Three

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Kami sets two bowls on the dining table as Toshinori sets it for the two of them. Soft music plays from a radio on the counter and Kami sings along under her breath. She's feeling better about what happened earlier, distance and ignorance always helps. She can pretend that it didn't happen when she's not outside. She feels safe with Toshinori around because she knows that her stalker won't show his face when Toshinori is with her. Toshinori sits at the table first whilst Kami grabs herself a drink from her cupboard, picking out a fruit soda before she returns to the table.

She opens her soda, setting the bottle cap on the table as she takes a drink. Toshinori is watching her as he moves his food around with his chopsticks.

"Are you going to tell me why you came back from your run so upset?" He asks her, her hand pauses as she goes to set her soda down. She swallows a little and then looks at him. "I didn't forget" He points out. "And you didn't distract me"

"I don't want you to worry about it," She tells him, setting the soda bottle down. Toshinori narrows his eyes a little.

"You've only ever had that look in your eyes because of one thing...." He reminds her, the worry in his eyes deepening as he realises. "He's back" He slams his fist down on the table, rattling the tableware. Kami sighs a little. She knew telling him would upset him. He's a hero and he failed to protect his own daughter from a persistent stalker that has been following her around since she was fourteen. It's tough for him. He's Japan's number one hero but he can't stop a stalker from disturbing her life. And whilst she has never been hurt by him, it still affects her. Kami reaches over and touches his fisted hand on the table.

"There's nothing you can do" She reminds him. "There's nothing anyone can do...because I am the only one that sees him, because he manages to escape everyone else around....Because he's good at avoiding and hiding what he looks like from the cameras" He clenches his jaw, because he knows it is true. They've talked to the police about it, All Might has tried to find him, but nothing has worked. He's managed to vanish. Toshinori has theorised a teleportation or a portal quirk. For him that is the only thing that makes sense.

"I thought that moving would put a stop to it" He points out. "It was one of the many benefits" She hums in agreement as his fist softens.

"And once I am at UA it won't be such a big deal..." She assures him. "The campus is one of the most secure" Toshinori nods and turns his hand to take hers to squeeze softly. She's the one being stalked, and yet she is here trying to make him feel better about it with a soft smile on her face. "Now eat before it gets cold" She pulls her hand back and picks up her chopsticks.

"UA is still ten months away" Toshinori argues. "That's still ten months of you looking over your shoulder"

"It's not like I can do anything else...."

"Well..." He starts and shrugs a little. "You could easily disguise yourself.....when you are outside"

"Hiding is hardly heroic" She argues and leans back in her seat. "Why should I have to hide?"

"To protect yourself" He counters. "These people they escalate. And he has been watching you for a very long time, he could change his tactics any day and then what?" He asks, slamming his hand down again as he works himself up. "He could hurt you...." She snorts a little and holds up her hand.

"One touch and I could hurt him" She reminds him. "Suck the life right out of him...." Toshinori lets out a breath and closes his eyes. Sometimes he does forget that she isn't just capable of changing her form. He forgets that she can really hurt someone simply by touching them and willing her quirk to activate. That she has to hold back her true power for fear of killing anyone who touches her skin. She has to always be in control of her quirk. "Dad" She whispers and his breath catches a little with the title. Because it is a title that he's earned from her. She didn't start off calling him Dad, it was All Might and then Toshinori and it took her years for the two of them to actually reach that father-daughter aspect. And he cherishes it because he knows what it took for her to reach that point. The little girl he pulled from that house. The little girl that would jump at her own shadows. She was terrified that it would happen again. That distrusted everyone around her for fear of them hurting her. She's come so far. So every single time she calls him Dad, it catches him. Especially now she is basically an adult. It's not very often that she does call him Dad, because not all conversations call for it. If it is just the two of them, then she has no need to call him it. But right now. He needs the comfort of that title to calm him down. There is nothing to be done about her stalker. She could change her appearance and wander around looking like someone else, but she shouldn't have to. But she is prepared to use her quirk to protect herself should it spiral. She can do it. So why should she change her life to suit her stalker?

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