Chapter Four

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Kami sits on a beach as the sun rises beyond the horizon. Though she would like to enjoy it there are two reasons why she can't. One, today isn't about enjoying the beach, and two, the beach is covered in trash. Huge trash. Fridges. Cookers. Car parts. Everyday household appliances and everyday trash. All Might is with her and they are both waiting for Midoriya to join them. It's only two days after All Might decided that Midoriya was to be his successor. He wanted to get started almost immediately and Kami is sure he would have started yesterday if Kami hadn't have pointed out that the training regime he put her through would be inappropriate for Midoriya. He's had to rethink what he had in mind.

"Midoriya" Toshinori greets, in his full All Might glory. A big smile directed at his green-haired successor as he approaches him and Kami on the beach. The teenager is smaller than Kami was expecting. She thought that there must have been some kind of physical tell that Midoriya had potential. He's kind of plain-looking. Slender frame. Not all that tall. Messy green hair. A small splattering of freckles on his face. Sure, he could be considered rather cute. But there is nothing 'extraordinary' about him. Not that there is anything wrong with that, she's just a little surprised. "Are you ready to start your hero's journey!?" All Might cheers with a huge smile. Midoriya nods, but it is very clear that he is also very nervous. There is a lot of pressure on his shoulders. His eyes linger on Kami as she ties her hair back from her face. "Oh, right" All Might realises that introductions are in order. "Kami" He introduces. "My daughter" Midoriya appears rather surprised by that as his eyes flicker between Kami and All Might.

"Your....daughter" He repeats slowly, his eyes settling on Kami as she pushes herself to her feet to join All Might. "I didn't know....."

"Not many do" All Might admits as he drops his arm over Kami's shoulders. "And I would prefer to keep it that way"

"I won't....tell anyone" Midoriya assures them. All Might could have just passed her off as someone else that he was training. He didn't have to tell him that she was his daughter. But he's trusted him with this secret too. "What is she doing here?" Midoriya asks then his eyes widen. "No offence..." Midoriya offers to Kami when he realises what he's blurted out. She shrugs a little. Not at all offended by his question. This is supposed to be his time training with All Might and she is here too.

"Because she's going to help you with your training" All Might answers. "With my limitations, it will be best for her to run you through the drills when I can' she also needs training"

"Oh," Midoriya glances at Kami. "You are going to UA too?"

"That's the plan" Kami agrees. "Family legacy and all that" She glances up at All Might who smiles brightly down at her. All Might touches her head as he pulls his arm back from her shoulders. He then takes a deep breath.

"Midoriya!" All Might states as he hops up onto the top of a fridge. "You will be moving this fridge with..." All Might points at Kami who rolls her eyes fondly at the dramatics of it all. She crouches in front of her bag and unzips it. Kami pulls her lasso from her bag and holds it out to Midoriya. He takes it from her and draws it through his fingers. She knows what he's thinking. It's not a traditional rope lasso, but it will do the job just fine. "That sparkly silver rope" All Might looks at Kami. "You didn't bring your training lasso?"

"You said to bring my lasso, but you didn't specify which one..." She defends a little.

"I thought it was obvious...." She gives him a look.

"I haven't used the training one in over a year" She counters. "How was I to know?" She asks him.

"Never mind!" All Might sets his hands on his hips. "Let's begin!" He looks between Kami and Midoriya, waiting expectantly. Kami then unzips her hoodie to shrug it off her shoulders and drops it into her bag next to her whilst Midoriya rounds the fridge trying to work out how to get the lasso around it. His eyes glance across at Kami, watching her as she stretches her arms above her head and clasps her hands together before she leans down to touch the ground between her feet. She then pushes herself up into a handstand, balancing herself easily as she hangs upside down. She opens her eyes to find Midoriya still watching her. He's caught out, starts blushing and quickly looks away from her, turning his attention to the lasso whilst the blush creeps down his neck. She drops back to her feet as All Might moves towards her.

"He is not going to be able to move that fridge any time soon" She points out as Midoriya ties the lasso around the fridge. All Might shrugs a little and glances at his protegee. "We talked about this" She reminds him. "It's not like when you started training me....I started with strength, he doesn't have that"

"Just trust me" All Might counters, patting her head. She huffs a little. "Go take a run or a swim" He nods towards the water. "Trust that I know what I am doing" She sighs a little and then nods.

"Do you want me to at least practise my morphing?" She asks him, he hums and nods.

"Sure" He agrees and she gives him a look. He just smirks back at her. He looks like he has no idea what he is doing. He's had two days since he met Midoriya and decided that he was going to take over One-For-All, she knows he spent a lot of yesterday recovering from going beyond his limit but she also knows that he was sat at his laptop too. He had to have been doing something with that time. All Might moves to sit on top of the fridge again. She doesn't get that play but he is the one in charge of Midoriya's training. So it is up to him. She turns towards the water and lets out a breath trying to decide if she wants to run or swim. Midoriya is watching her as she jogs towards the water. She glances back over her shoulder at him aware of his eyes on her. He jumps a little, caught out. He glances away but does find himself looking back at her. He's curious about what it is that she can do, because he has no idea. He'll assume that she has likely inherited something from All Might. But, obviously, that's not the case because he's not her real father. She needs something that will work on land and sea, because she doesn't want to turn into something aquatic and end up stuck on the sand. She still has to get to the water. She needs to turn into something semi-aquatic. But she still wants to show off a little. She could give herself gills, but then she'd be pushed on time for air until she hit the water. Flippers but she wouldn't be able to walk the rest of the way. Going full animal is her best choice here. For showing off. She could just keep going as she is and then morph in the water. So she needs something semi-aquatic and something impressive and something she knows she can turn into. Something she understands. Because that's the downside to her animal morphing. She has to understand their biology. Humans are easy. Otter. Beaver. Sea lion. Seal. They could all work. But a polar bear. That's semi-aquatic. And impressive. She went through a bear phase a few years ago. She was obsessed with them and obsessed with turning into them. Though she was restricted to cub forms due to how small their apartment was. But she knows them inside and out. And polar bears are very impressive animals. She hums a little. Decided on. She focuses, then feels the ripple that spreads throughout her entire body as she changes. That is one thing that she is grateful for about her quirk. That it doesn't hurt. Her quirk would suck if it hurt every time she morphed. She opens her eyes to find that Midoriya has dropped the lasso and is full on staring at her. But not with fear or disgust. Fear would at least make sense. There is a 1300 pound predator standing on a beach in Japan. But he's looking at her in complete awe. Toshinori did mention that Midoriya is some kind of super-fan so that does kind of make sense. And was the reaction she was looking for. She did go for impressive. She turns her huge bear head towards the water and then trots down the shore to go for a swim.

Heroic Path (I. Midoriya)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें