Act One: Chapter IV: The Final Battle

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June 3 2015

Chapter IV: The Final Showdown For Survival

The team were heading to Sokovia to stop Ultron from denoting the argent bomb. The team notified the other avengers about what happened. However they encountered another problem. Ultron has sent his sentries along with adaptoids to launch a full scale attack around the world and the remaining avengers members were busy taking down the hostiles.

The team know it was a distraction created by Ultron so that he has enough time to build the bomb and denote it. Soon the team made it to Sokovia as the city was completely empty and they began searching for the villain. Just before heading to Sokovia, they let everyone know about the bomb and civilians immediately evacuated the city.

Meanwhile Ultron was at park as he was working on the bomb as the sentries were guarding the area. Soon he placed the argent energy cell inside the bomb and the bomb was operational as Ultron had a smile on his face and said something to himself.

Ultron: Now for humanity to go extinct.

He looked at the detonator in his hand and was about to activate it until some of his sentries were taken down as Ultron turned around and saw the team as he said something to them.

Ultron: There's no point in fighting. I have already won.

Michael: Guys. I see the detonator.

Natasha: I guess we all know what the plan is.

Jason: Yeah. Just keep that detonator as far away as we could.

Maria: And destroy that piece of crap.

Tony: So Ultron, any last words before we send you to the scrapyard?

Ultron: [Chuckles] Your jokes always makes me laugh. I'm gonna miss them when the bomb eradicates all of you.

Ultron immediately fired a laser beam at the team but Benjamin used his wings to block the incoming attack as he said something.

Benjamin: And here we go. The fight begins.

The team began running towards Ultron and were gonna attack him until the villain slammed his fist on the ground, creating a shock wave, causing everyone to go flying back.

The team began running towards Ultron and were gonna attack him until the villain slammed his fist on the ground, creating a shock wave, causing everyone to go flying back

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The team landed on the ground as they slowly got up and spoke to each other.

Wanda: He's too strong.

Angelica: We have to split up and attack him. Make him lose his focus.

The team split up and began running towards the villain as he shot multiple laser beams at the team but they managed to dodge the attacks and attacked Ultron.

The villain continued firing at the team until Tony lifted him up and threw him towards a store as Maria began firing at Ultron.

The villain continued firing at the team until Tony lifted him up and threw him towards a store as Maria began firing at Ultron

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