Act One: Chapter III: Close Quarters

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June 3 2015

Chapter III: Race Against Time

The team were at the headquarters as they were silent and were thinking about something. Gwen and Tony were analysing the argent energy cell to figure out what it was. Its been one hour now and the team were gonna say something until they saw Gwen and Tony exiting the research wing and the team spoke to them.

Maria: So what do we got?

Gwen: Well we got a lot of information but not too much though.

Benjamin: What's the matter?

Tony: We analysed it and its fascinating. If we use this energy in our lives. We don't even need to use oil, solar and nuclear energy because this argent cell has all the requirements it needs.

Gwen: The Argent Energy's metaphysical nature defies previous laws of physics on other forms of plasma. While plasma itself is a superheated gas to the point of freeing electrons to become ionized, Argent Energy seems to be stable at higher than thought possible temperatures and can energize objects it comes into contact with.

Tony: And anything it comes in contact with will power it up for over a hundred years.

Angelica: But where did this even come from? How did they even created it?

Gwen: That's one thing that confuses me. But whoever is creating this must have a unlimited supply for it.

Michael: And Ultron getting his hands on it makes it worst. Considering one argent cell is capable of destroying an entire world.

Jason: Your right about that. Is there any way to destroy it?

Tony: No way. There's still a lot that we don't know about.

Natasha: He's right. We can't take any risks. Who knows destroying it may cause a plague or maybe something worse.

Benjamin: Your right about that.

Maria: Now we gotta figure out Ultron's current whereabouts. Looking at the locator, he's gone silent but sooner or later he's gonna strike again.

The team agreed with what Maria said as they continued talking to each other about the Argent energy however Wanda was silent and was thinking about something. Soon the team left the room, however Wanda didn't went with them and instead went to the research wing.

She continued walking through the hallway until she entered the room and saw the argent energy cell floating as Wanda began slowly walking towards the energy cell. She wanted to examine the energy to know its power and possibly its origin.

She continued slowly walking towards the energy cell and stopped walking as Wanda was staring at the cell and continued looking at it.

She continued slowly walking towards the energy cell and stopped walking as Wanda was staring at the cell and continued looking at it

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Wanda slowly reached her hand towards the energy cell and touched it until. . . .

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