war drums

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I woke up to someone gently patting my leg. Slowly, I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the soft light of the sun rising on the horizon. As my vision cleared, I felt a warmth beside me and suddenly pulled away, realizing it was Daryl. Embarrassment washed over me as I comprehended the situation. Not only had I fallen asleep outside, but I had also slept against him all night.

"Sorry," I mumbled, my cheeks burning.

Daryl just shrugged in response, his expression as unreadable as ever.

I stretched my neck, wincing at the stiffness from sleeping in the same position all night. Despite the aching, I couldn't deny that it was the best sleep I had had in months. My body felt slightly more rested, my mind a little clearer.

"Guess my shoulder didn't compare to that bed you were goin' on about." Daryl smirked, noticing me rubbing my neck,

I managed a small laugh. "Sorry again. Did you get any sleep?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Someone needed to keep watch anyway."

"Thanks," I said, genuinely grateful. His presence had given me the sense of security I desperately needed.

Daryl got up, stretching his limbs. "We should head inside," he said.

I nodded, slowly getting to my feet and following him into the cellblock. As we entered, Rick was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, feeding Judith a bottle. He looked up, his gaze shifting between the two of us with a raised eyebrow. My stomach twisted with a new wave of embarrassment.

Even though nothing had happened, I felt a flush creep up my neck. I hoped Rick wouldn't say anything to anyone else, especially not to Carol or Maggie. They already had enough ammunition to tease me with; this would just add fuel to the fire.

"We were keeping watch," Daryl stated flatly, immediately shutting down whatever ideas Rick might have been entertaining.

I shot Daryl a grateful look. It wasn't a complete lie; he had kept watch.

Despite Daryl's explanation, Rick smirked and nodded his head, a playful look in his eyes. Daryl and I shared an awkward glance, both aware of what Rick was probably thinking.

Hershel, as if heaven sent, suddenly appeared from his cell. "Mornin'." He greeted, looking between the three of us, oblivious.

Rick glanced at Hershel and then at Daryl. "I need to talk to both of you."

"Roger that." I saluted, taking the hint. I slipped away into the dining area, hoping to find something to eat.

I ignored Merle as I passed him, his presence a constant source of irritation, heading to where the group kept their food supplies.

Bending over, I began sorting through a box of packaged snacks. The sound of Merle's chuckling behind me made me tense. Glancing back, I saw him staring at my ass. I groaned inwardly, dropping to the floor beside the box so he couldn't continue his leering.

Merle, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist making a comment. "You know, darlin', if you want me to come to your cell, all ya gotta do is ask."

I rolled my eyes, refusing to engage with him. I pulled out a bag of salted peanuts from the box, trying to focus on anything other than Merle's inappropriate behaviour. But he wasn't done yet.

"Once you're done nibbling on those, I've got some hot salty nuts you'll really like," he commented, licking his lips as I stared at him in disgust. I tossed the bag back into the box.

"Why are you like this, Merle?" I snapped, turning to face him. "Why do you have to be such a jerk all the time?"

Merle laughed, the sound grating on my nerves. He didn't take me seriously, continuing to stare at me in a way that made my skin crawl. I shook my head, standing up to walk away from him.

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