waking nightmares

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My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the darkness that filled my cell. The cold, damp air clung to my skin as I pulled the thin blanket Carol had given me tighter around my body. A shiver ran down my spine as I glanced around the room, trying to shake off the eerie feeling that something wasn't right.

In the far corner, a shadow shifted. My heart skipped a beat as my eyes locked onto the dark figure.

The Governor.

He stood there, silent and menacing, his eyes glinting in the faint light. My breath caught in my throat. I tried to tell myself it wasn't real, that he couldn't be here, but the terror gripping my heart said otherwise.

"Kennedy," his voice was low, dripping with malice. He took a step forward, the sound of his boots echoing in the confined space.

I crawled backward on the cot until my back hit the wall, my mind racing. "This isn't real. You're not here." My voice trembled, betraying my fear.

A sinister smile spread across his face. "I've come to finish what we started," he said, his tone filled with dark promise. "No interruptions this time."

Panic surged through me as he approached the bed. I tried to move, to escape, but my body felt paralyzed by fear. The Governor reached out, his rough hands grabbing my legs and pulling me toward him. I kicked and struggled, but his grip was iron.

"Please, no!" I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes.

The Governor laughed, a cruel, chilling sound. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," he said, leaning in closer. "You're mine now."

He began to fumble with my pants, my panic turning into sheer terror. I thrashed wildly, trying to break free, but he was too strong.

"No!" I screamed, using every ounce of strength I had. "Get away from me!"

In an instant, the world around me shattered. I jolted awake, gasping for breath. My cell was empty, the Governor nowhere to be seen. I was drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest as I frantically looked around, trying to convince myself it had only been a nightmare.

I curled up on my bed, pulling the blanket around me tightly. The fear lingered, refusing to let go, but I took deep breaths, reminding myself it wasn't real. It couldn't be real. I was safe, at least for now.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down. The nightmare had felt so real, too real. The Governor was still out there somewhere, a looming threat that haunted my waking hours as much as my dreams. But tonight, I was safe within the walls of the prison, surrounded by my new group. I had to believe that.

I lay still for a moment, letting the echoes of the nightmare fade, then swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I knew I wouldn't be getting any more sleep tonight.

I slipped out of my cell, careful not to make any noise. The prison was silent, a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos. I walked into the main area, its emptiness amplifying the sense of solitude.

I made my way to the wall across from my cell, sliding down until I was seated with my back pressed against the cold concrete. I hugged my legs close to my body, seeking comfort in the small, enclosed posture.

The dining area was closed off, with Merle locked inside. I glanced over but couldn't see him in the darkness, and I was glad. His presence was a constant reminder of what I had endured at Woodbury. The memories of the Governor's cruelty and the desperation to survive in that place haunted me, but Merle's face brought those nightmares into sharp focus.

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