Chapter-12: In The Dark

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In The Dark

"Man, I wanna kill Vince so badly!" a man in a black coat expressed his desire to his colleagues. 

The man in the red coat poured wine into his glass and took a sip. Tall and good-looking, he was enjoying the view from his window seat.  "Hey guys! We can try!" But no one seemed to hear him. 

Two other men sat on opposite seats, one in a blue coat and the other in yellow. The man in the yellow coat was tanned and stood out with his height, towering at 6'4". 

"Dears! Do any of you have a relative or acquaintance there?" A beautiful lady sat behind them, holding a cup to her lips. Her very long hair covered the entire seat—if she stood up, it would reach the floor. She wore a green dress, even though she thought it would look terrible, but her beauty made it look stunning.

"Rivan is already there, and I don't think any of us has any acquaintance there," the guy in the blue coat said.

The lady smirked, "Veer, give me your caller." The man in the red coat handed it to her. "Even after all that happened, you still don't hate Vince?" Veer was being glared at by the other three guys, as if he was a traitor. "Tch," the guy in the black coat clicked his tongue and spat out the window. "Hey guys, calm down!" Veer said.

"Hey, is this Vince?" Everyone went silent and listened to her talk.

"Oh Rose! I thought it was Veer," Vince replied. 

"Have you reached Mombu?" Rose had a few questions to ask about Vince's arrival in Mombu. "Ahh well… we missed the train." Everyone went quiet, then suddenly burst into anger.  "Do you have some kind of personal intentions for doing this?"

"I hope you die, Vince."

"What, why? How did you do? You weren't this careless!"

"Kill yourself, Vince."

Rose burst out in laughter. She kept laughing, and everyone looked at her, knowing she wasn't laughing because she found it funny. "I'll kill you as you step in Mombu." Vince hung up and started eating the lunch packed by Tia's father. "Father, whose call was that?" Sedah asked.

"Well… it was my colleague. We used to be in the same class during our final years at the academy." Vince kept looking at Sedah. "I think from next year, I'll send you to a magical school." Sedah was fascinated with this idea—a new world and just what kind of schools would be here.

"Hey Rose! It's a call from Rivan," Veer handed his phone to Rose. "Hmm? Hello?"

"Hey Rose! It seems there is one!" A guy in a white dress stood in front of an odd-looking building.

"Thanks for letting me know," Rose said. All the stress she had accumulated because of Vince vanished.

After an hour, Rose and the other guys were surprised to see Vince waiting for them at the station. "Hey! Multicolor… uhh… nevermind."

"Oi Vince, you're happy now? Now we will change it if you're done!"  The guy in the black coat wasn't the only one angry. Everyone was angry. "Oh, by the way, I've taken the photos, so I won't mind you guys changing up now," Vince said, as if his previous actions weren't enough to annoy them.  "How did you arrive before us? You said you were late," Veer asked.

"I used a portal, but I've lost a lot of mana because of this," Vince explained. The others were confused—how did Vince get access to a portal? "Oi Vince, you're dead now!" The black coat attacked Vince, thinking he was low on mana, but unfortunately, Vince was still able to overpower him with no magic. Vince held the black coat to the ground.  "Refrain from such acts in public." Several other people were looking at them awkwardly. "Hey guys, help me! It's our chance for the last defeat!" But the others didn't seem to follow him.  "Come on, we are getting late, I've arranged the shelter," Vince said, handing a pass to Rose.

"Father," Sedah came over, eating ice cream. "Who are those people, and why are they dressed like rainb-... uhh, nevermind. There is no black in a rainbow; it doesn't have black." This pissed off the black coat. "Your son is just like you!”

"This is Rose, my childhood friend, and these are her husbands: Veer, Koppa, Raku, Heeno… where's Rivan?" Rose returned the pass. "Thanks for your reservation, Vince, but Rivan already made a reservation for us." Rose thought Vince would be angry, but he had an unexpected reaction. "We're staying at the same hotel! Well, I'll get my money returned."

Tia, Neo, and Sedah stood there speechless, thinking about the same thing. "Father, you said husbands?" Sedah asked. "Hmm? oh… Rose has five husbands. I already told you their names." Neo and Tia couldn't believe what they heard, and Sedah started thinking it might not be unusual in the new world.

"We'll talk about everything else later! For now, let's go." Vince led the way. They met an expected person at the exit. "Oi, Vince, stay away from us!" It was Rivan, and Sedah was bewildered by the dress again.

Why does everyone have the same dress but different colors? Are they all retards?

"Oh, Rivan, is your leg okay?" Vince clicked the photos again. "Vince, I know we lost the bet! But please let us go, you've already made us ashamed by making us wear these cartoonish colored dresses." Well, the dress wasn't cartoonish; it was a T-shirt, pants, shoes, and of course, underwear.

"Father, are you a bully?" Sedah asked. And yeah, it was clear he didn't care whether he was or not, but to seem like a kid, Sedah usually had to rely on such stupidity to seem like a kid.

"You're cute. You have red eyes just like your father, and don't worry, he isn't a bully," Rose said, getting close to Sedah. "Because he is a blackmailer, gambler, drug dealer, manipulator, murderer, and yeah, a bull-…" Rivan covered her mouth, refraining her from saying anything. Sedah had a very shocked expression on his face. "Let's go, we have our business here, we shouldn't waste anymore time."  Looking at Vince's expression, Sedah thought that maybe what Rose said was true.

"Don't worry, kid, your father isn't a gambler, drug dealer, or anything. Don't think too hard," Rose said.

"Can you read my brain?" Sedah asked, hoping for a response from Rose.

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