Next To Me

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Chapter 2


Year 1057, 6 Ebno 

Right after “Battle of Dom” a child was born, the son of the second duke of the Kingdom.

Vince Caravana, the hero of the "Battle of Dom," stood at 6 feet 1 inch tall, with a healthy but not overly bulky muscle mass. He had striking red eyes, black hair, a prominent scar on his cheek, and a modest beard and mustache. He wore a black shirt and pants, adorned with a red cloak. Vince had been eagerly anticipating the birth of his child, fervently wishing for a daughter. He frequented various temple shrines, making wishes for a daughter with each visit. 

When news of "Hero Caravana" having an heir spread throughout the city, everyone was hoping for a boy. Vince, who had been waiting anxiously outside the treatment room, let out a sigh of relief upon hearing the news. However, his happiness was tinged with a hint of unease, tied to a haunting past incident that resurfaced in his thoughts. 

"Master Vince, here," a nurse handed him the tiny Caravana and added, "Sir, you will have to name him." She held the birth certificate in her hand. 

As Vince held his newborn son, all his past worries and the pain of war seemed to fade away. He began to laugh, and the tension that had surrounded him dissipated, replaced by joy. His friends joined in the laughter.

"Your serious face outside of the battlefield is quite intimidating, Vince," Fred placed a hand on Vince's shoulder. "Now that the war has ended, it's time for you to rest and spend quality time with your family."

Vince continued to smile as he looked at his son. "I want my child to have an ordinary life," he remarked. Fred looked taken aback. "You're quite unique," Vince said as he sat down.

"Sedah, his name will be Sedah," the nurse noted.

Some women began singing folk songs, and a wave of happiness filled the room. 

"Look at how happy everyone is," Fred commented. "I know that the OA mission still haunts you, but try to—"

He stopped abruptly, realizing that Vince's concerns were those of a concerned parent. Fred resolved to do his best to support Vince.

A woman approached Vince and said, "Sedah, what a beautiful name! Just like how God Sedahi was a ray of hope and saved many lives, your son will be a beacon of hope and end—"

She glanced at Fred, who had placed a finger on his lips. She burst into laughter. "Haha! Master Fred, don't make such a funny face."

Fred sighed and sat down, looking somewhat off. "Don't worry," Vince assured him. "I'm not upset about the prophecy. You should have let her finish her sentence."

Vince noticed that Fred was still downcast. "You know, singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Why? Because then it's a soap opera," Vince joked, eliciting a chuckle from Fred. 

"Man, you're always like this," Vince was looking at Fred with a smile.

"You're right," Fred admitted. "I shouldn't be so gloomy, especially on such a big day."

They both observed the women and girls celebrating around them. Vince received a call. "Vince, it seems like today was your day, and tomorrow will be mine," the voice on the other end declared.

"King! In the name of the Kingdom—"

The king interrupted him. "At least consider the time and place. We're not in the castle, and I'm not in the palace. As I said, tomorrow I'll have my heir."

"Yes, I heard, my lord," Vince responded, still standing. Fred gestured for him to sit, but he remained standing.

"Vince, I want you to consider resigning from my 'saok' if you wish, and enjoy your life. You're a duke, and you have enough to lead a fulfilling life." The king was aware of Vince's struggles and wanted to help him. He felt partially responsible for what had occurred during the OA mission.

Vince felt conflicted. He wanted to fulfill his duty as a leader and serve the king, but he also longed to spend time with his family and have some relaxation. "I... I need some time before I can give you an answer," Vince replied, leaving the decision for the future.

"I hope you find what you want to do soon," the king said before ending the call.

Vince carefully cradled Sedah in his arms and entered the room where his wife lay unconscious. The doctor informed him that it would take about three hours for her to regain consciousness. He gently placed Sedah beside her and took a seat in a nearby chair, watching over them both.

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