18. Catch Us If You Can...

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"What's the plan?" Jungkook inquired, trying to catch his breath.

"We have plenty of options," Taehyung responded, glancing back to see if they were being followed.

"Options?" Jungkook whispered, eyeing Taehyung skeptically.

"We can either head to the train station or the bus station," said Taehyung with uncertainty. He himself was not sure about where to go.

Jungkook halted, releasing Taehyung's hand. "And how do you propose we get there?" he asked, struggling to comprehend Taehyung's lack of a solid plan. He really can't believe that this was Taehyung's plan. How can someone run away with an irresponsible plan?

"Let's see. We can get a taxi from the main road," Taehyung suggested, also coming to a stop.

"Unbelievable," Jungkook muttered in exasperation, casting a glance back at Taehyung's house.

"What? Let's go!," Taehyung urged.

"Is this your plan? Hail a taxi from the road? Do you have any sense at all?" Jungkook whispered loudly, his frustration evident as Taehyung pouted in response.

"As if I knew Jimin would spot us? Why are we just standing here? Let's go," Taehyung retorted, defending his actions as he grabbed Jungkook's hand, eager to resume their escape.

"Wait," Jungkook interjected, his gaze fixed on the mansion visible in the distance. Lights were turning on inside the house, signaling that the Kim's were now awake.

"What are you looking at? Let's go," Taehyung urged, gripping Jungkook's hand as he tugged him towards the main road. However, Jungkook resisted, pulling Taehyung towards the mansion instead.

"Not there, here," Jungkook insisted, struggling to guide Taehyung back towards the mansion.

"I'm not going back," Taehyung resisted.

"Look, you've already caused enough trouble. Just do as I say, okay?" Jungkook said sternly, causing Taehyung to give up. Taking Taehyung's hand, Jungkook led him back towards the mansion.

"But why are we going back?" Taehyung questioned.

"Just shut up and run," Jungkook commanded. He guided them towards the backyard, entering a secluded storeroom. Climbing onto the terrace in the darkness, they remained unseen. Meanwhile, Taehyung's family members spilled into the garden. Jimin stood with Heejae, pointing towards the gate.

"I saw them running towards the main road," Jimin reported. Heejae and Taehyung's other cousins rushed towards the gate in search of Taehyung, their faces displaying panic, shock, and disbelief.

"Where did they go?"asked Heejae. He couldn't believe how his son made him feel ashamed in front of all the family. Taehyung could've Just talked about him and Jungkook, but no, he chose to run away.

"I saw them running towards the main road," said a panting Jimin.

Heejae's voice dripped with anger as he demanded answers from Jimin. "And you just let them go? Why didn't you stop them?"

By now, every member of the house was awake, shocked by the unfolding events. Minhee's tears flowed freely for Taehyung, while Jimin embraced her, consoling her.

"Jimin, get the car!" said Heejae.

Grandpa Dae also came into the garden. He was also surprised and shocked.

"I knew it. At first glance, I recognized that B@st@rd. But you people are very intelligent. Aren't you? It was so obvious what was going on between the two. But when in heaven, you guys will listen to me." He said it to the whole family.

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