Whispers of Affection

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As everyone enjoyed their dinner, they engaged in lively conversation, indicative of their affiliation with high society.

The dining arrangements were meticulously organized, with family members seated separately from the guests.

Close relatives and best friends of Abhimanyu and Riddhima occupied a designated area, fostering an intimate atmosphere.

"Have you seen that girl? She's absolutely stunning,"

remarked Rudra, his attention drawn to a particular guest.


inquired Parth between bites of food.

"The one in the corner chair. She was also present at the ring ceremony with Riddhima. I'm going to take my chances,"

declared Rudra as he made his way towards her.

"Best of luck,"

Parth wished him well.

Approaching the intended seat, Rudra found it taken by Veer. "Apologies, mate, but this seat's taken, and so is she,"

Veer asserted, eyeing Rudra.

"No worries, I wasn't aware. Best of luck with her,"

Rudra gracefully conceded, returning to his own place at the table.

" why did you say that to him?"

Manvi replied.

"Because he was going to make a move on you,"

he replied.

"So what's your problem with him then? Am I not allowed to have any guy friends now?"

she replied in frustration.

"I'm a guy too, talk to me instead,"

Veer said, gazing at her with a meaningful look.

"I don't want to talk to you. You drove away such a nice guy from here."

she replied.

"No one will approach you except me, Angel, and I'm serious about it. Now, eat your food,"

he said and began eating.

Manvi slammed her feet onto the ground in frustration.


Riddhima and Abhimanyu were seated beside each other, but Riddhima constantly felt a sense of unease in his presence, as his imposing demeanor always left her feeling intimidated.

"Is there anything else you desire?"

Abhimanyu inquired.

"No, I'm quite content,"

she responded softly.

"Very well, I'll return shortly,"

he assured her before stepping away from the table to take a private phone call.

Feeling fatigued from the ceremonial proceedings, Riddhima found herself increasingly suffocated by the weight of her jewelry and attire, longing to shed them at the earliest opportunity.

With a sense of relief, she began to remove several bangles and rings, placing them delicately upon the table, granting herself a modicum of respite.

Abhimanyu's grandmother gracefully approached Riddhima and settled beside her, her presence catching Riddhima off guard.

"How are you, Riddhima?"

she inquired with genuine concern.

Startled by the unexpected attention, Riddhima met her grandmother-in-law's eyes. "I'm well, thank you, Dadi,"

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