Unraveling Obsessions

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"If obsession is not love, I have never loved "


Abhimanyu navigated his car through the familiar streets from the airport, each turn bringing him closer to home.

Along the way, he pulled over to the side of the road, his gaze fixated on the imposing gates of a nearby college.

With unwavering attention, he awaited a special moment, his attention unwavering, not even allowing his eyelids to flutter for fear of missing any significant moment.

Glancing at his watch, a whispered declaration escaped his lips, "She's arriving soon."

As if on cue, a figure emerged from the college gates, adorned in a resplendent blue suit, her long locks cascading freely around her.

It was none other than Riddhima, the object of Abhimanyu's unwavering affection, she was patiently awaiting for her car.

Abhimanyu gazed at her with a mesmerized intensity, his admiration bordering on obsession

"How can someone exude such beauty?"

he pondered silently, his favorite melody softly playing in the background, accentuating the moment's poignancy

"Such traditional attire seems tailor-made exclusively for her,"

he whispered, marveling at her elegance.

The desire to approach her and proclaim, "Princess, your Abhi is here," tugged at his heartstrings, yet he restrained himself, knowing the time for such declarations would come.

Yet, he harbored the unwavering belief that soon she would stand by his side, destined to be together for a lifetime.

Out of nowhere, a young lad approached and gently rested his hand on her shoulder, sparking spontaneous laughter between them for reasons unbeknownst

Abhimanyu's inner fury surged, his eyes darkening as the once gleeful expression on his face vanished entirely, surge of jealousy engulfed in him

His grip on the steering wheel tightened with white-knuckled intensity, his veins bulging with tension.

"How could he have the audacity to touch her like that? And why isn't she even attempting to remove his hand?"

he seethed with resentment, his anger escalating with each passing moment.

Determined to unravel the identity of this intruder, he swiftly dialed a number, commanding his acquaintance to uncover the mystery man's identity.

He reached for his phone, swiftly dialing a number before bringing it to his ear. "Discover everything you can about the boy standing beside her,"

he instructed, his tone clipped as he abruptly ended the call.

"I cannot tolerate this; I cannot bear to see even the shadow of another guy falling on Riddhima, let alone touch her. I will show this mf his rightful place."

he says to himself.

Riddhima's car pulled up, prompting her to bid farewell to the young man before she gracefully slid into the vehicle and set off.

Observing the scene with a simmering fury, he vowed silently,

"You'll face the consequences for this audacious move, Riddhima," as he revved the engine and sped away into the night


As Riddhima made her way homeward, she engaged in a phone conversation with someone.

"Hey, you were supposed to come. Why didn't you?"

she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of disappointment.

"Apologies, sweetheart. Since Dad appointed me as the head, I've been swamped with work, barely finding any time for myself,"

responded the young man on the other end.

"Quit calling me 'sweetheart,' Veer. I'm well aware of your workload,"

she retorted, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"Since you relocated from Chandigarh to Delhi, things have been relatively peaceful here,"

Veer remarked, teasingly.

"Stop it! Don't pretend you didn't miss me. It's been two years since I departed Chandigarh, yet I still yearn for my old home,"

she confessed emotionally.

"We never felt your absence, and now you're wasting my office hours,"

he quipped humorously.

Mid-sentence, she was abruptly cut off as he disconnected the call.

"How dare he hang up on me,"

Riddhima muttered indignantly.

Arriving home to an eerily quiet household, Riddhima was greeted only by the presence of a few maids.

The absence of her sister, who had married and left, weighed heavily on her, amplifying her sense of solitude

Yet, there was another absence that gnawed at her heart - that of Abhi, who had vanished from her life in childhood, leaving behind unanswered questions and unfulfilled searches.

Despite her efforts, neither she nor Veer had been able to locate him or his family

Both Riddhima and Veer, her confidant, embarked on an exhaustive search to locate Abhi, but their endeavors proved futile.

Even with the assistance of her mother, their efforts to track down Abhi and his family yielded no results

As she settled into the emptiness of her surroundings, a whispered confession escaped her lips, "I miss you, Abhi."

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