Veiled Intentions

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"She wore no makeup and managed to be completely fucking gorgeous with zero effort. That shit pissed me off because I didn't want anyone even look at her"



Today, I encountered her after a prolonged absence. Our eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, a palpable magic enveloped us.

She stood before me, her gaze penetrating, her eyes exuding a captivating beauty that has always held sway over me.

The power of her gaze is such that it compels me to bend to her will, to do whatever it takes to please her.

However, her countenance betrayed a somberness, a shadow cast by her mother's sudden hospitalization. It happened unexpectedly, as she was departing from my office. Witnessing her distress, I acted swiftly, escorting her to the hospital without hesitation.

Such acts of compassion are foreign to me, for I have long harbored a disdain for humanity, forged in the absence of compassion shown to my own parents. Yet, for my beloved Riddhima, I am willing to defy my nature.

Every gesture, every semblance of chivalry I display in the presence of her mother is solely for her sake. Even the undertaking of a project deemed beneath me was done with Riddhima in mind.

Her mother's perception of me as a virtuous individual is a facade, for beneath this veneer lies a man consumed by a disdain for insubordination, a penchant for asserting dominance over others.

This charade must persist for only a few more days, after which Riddhima will be wholly mine. Then, and only then, will she witness the unvarnished truth of my being. I cannot sustain this facade indefinitely; she must accept me for who I truly am.

Should she embrace me, it bodes well for her. However, should she reject me, she shall face the repercussions.

Fuck !! I cannot shake the memory of her in that hospital room, clad in a verdant suit, a delicate bindi adorning her forehead. Even in attire that conceals her form, she radiates an unparalleled allure.

The skin on her neck is remarkably smooth, inviting a desire to caress it gently with my lips, savoring the delicate sensation as I trace the contours with tender affection. I want to suck her neck hardly

Lately, my self-restraint is waning; just a few more days remain until she is officially mine. Then, I won't need to suppress my desires any longer. I'll be able to freely touch her, to revel in the sensation of her presence. I'll be able to feel her, kiss her and fuck her raw.

Riddhima, you are my cherished possession, intricately woven into the fabric of my existence. My affection for you knows no bounds, transcending the limitations of time and space. I pledge an unwavering devotion to you, promising to cherish and adore you for all the days of your life.



Throughout the entirety of last night, I persistently attempted to reach out to Aarav via phone calls, only to be met with his consistent avoidance.

Despite my numerous messages emphasizing the urgency of our conversation, specifically citing its importance, his silence remained steadfast.

It appears that the burden of initiating communication falls solely upon me, while Aarav exhibits a blatant disregard for the gravity of the situation.

After exhausting all avenues of communication, frustration begins to set in. It becomes abundantly clear that a more assertive approach is necessary if any progress is to be made. With resolve,

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