Guardian Angel

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Abhi found himself lost in contemplation as he gazed at the cherished photo frame adorning his room.

Captured within its frame was a moment from his 12th birthday celebration, where Riddhima's playful antics involved pulling at his cheeks.

Their bond traced back to their early school days, having been friends since the tender age of first grade. In her presence, he felt an unparalleled sense of ease and contentment, far surpassing his camaraderie with Veer, though he cherished their friendship as well

Despite the awareness of their age gap, Abhi couldn't deny the deep connection he shared with Riddhima.

There existed an unspoken understanding between them, a bond so profound that it seemed to transcend mere friendship. Yet, he hesitated to acknowledge the true nature of their relationship, choosing instead to reserve his feelings for the future.

He also couldn't deny the deep affection he harbored for her, a sentiment reserved solely for Riddhima.

His protective instincts toward Riddhima were unmistakable, manifesting in his desire to shield her from any harm or discomfort. At times, however, he couldn't shake off pangs of jealousy witnessing her closeness with Veer.

Despite his inner turmoil, Abhi refrained from acting on his emotions, silently enduring the sight of Veer's unabashed displays of affection towards Riddhima, mindful of their mutual friendship.

Abruptly, the telephone within his residence clamored for attention, prompting him to swiftly answer its beckoning ring.


he uttered, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Abhi, it's Veer,"

came the urgent voice from the other end, breaking the silence.

"I've just received word that a group of boys is harassing Riddhima at her coaching center,"

Veer relayed, his tone laced with concern. A surge of shock and indignation coursed through him at the alarming news.


he exclaimed, his anger bubbling to the surface in an instant.

"Indeed, I will go there too. They must learn their lesson,"

Veer declared before ending the call.

Incensed by the news, Abhi swiftly made his way to the center, where he encountered Tanvi, visibly distraught. Ignoring her tears, he demanded to know Riddhima's whereabouts.

Tanvi expressed with a heavy heart, "She's currently inside the girls' restroom, overwhelmed with emotions and is not yet prepared to face anyone"

Learning she was holed up in the girls' restroom, inconsolable and fearful, Abhi's heart clenched with worry.

In haste, he sprinted towards the girls' restroom and rapped urgently on the door, but to no avail as she remained unresponsive from within.

"Princess, it's me, Abhi. Please, open the door,"

he implored in his gentle, reassuring tone

Banging on the restroom door, he pleaded with Riddhima to let him in

Upon hearing his voice, she relented, swinging the door ajar and throwing herself into his embrace, her tears flowing freely, increasing in intensity with each passing moment.

"Riddhima, please,  I am here now, and no harm shall befall you. Please, do not cry,"

Abhi comforted, his fingers brushing against her disheveled hair as he sought to console her

"Look at me,"

he urged gently, prompting her to break away from their embrace and meet his gaze.

Upon seeing her bruised cheek and tear-streaked face, Abhi's anger flared. Determined to hold the perpetrators accountable, he demanded their names

"Who did this to you" he demanded in a booming voice.

With tears streaming down her face, she stuttered out, "It was those boys from the eighth grade who incessantly taunt me at school."

Abhi affirmed his commitment, declaring, "I refuse to abandon them," to his companion.

Suddenly, the resonant voice of Veer pierced the air, announcing their arrival. Veer approached, accompanied by three or four visibly frightened boys.

"They're the ones who bullied her,"

Veer informed Abhi, his tone laced with indignation

Trembling with fear akin to a cornered rat, they pleaded, "We apologize profusely and vow never to repeat our actions, Riddhi...".

Their sentence trailed off as Abhi's voice thundered, cutting them off.

"Never utter her name with your tainted tongues again!"

Abhi's words reverberated with authority and fury, silencing the trembling boys.

"Punishment awaits you all. Veer, hand me your phone,"

he instructed sternly.

Without hesitation, Veer surrendered his phone to Abhi, who promptly began recording their videos.

"Confess your crime,"

Abhi demanded, his anger palpable.

"No, please don't record. We're sorry,"

they pleaded, fear evident in their voices.

"I said confess on video, or our personal guards, who are still outside, will deliver countless beatings,"

Abhi calmly stated.

With trembling hearts, they confessed. Abhi swiftly sent the evidence to the principal's office, ensuring their impending punishment.

"Remember this before you dare to act again. The consequences will be even worse,"

Abhi warned as he exited the coaching center with Riddhima and Veer.

Veer exclaimed with a sudden burst of satisfaction, "You imparted a valuable lesson to them; it was truly enjoyable."

As he spoke, his attention was diverted by the vibration of his phone.

"Yes, Dad, I'm on my way,"

he answered the call.

"I'm leaving. Abhi, you'll take her home, right?"

Veer confirmed, receiving a nod from Abhi. "Alright, take care of yourself, Riddhima. You're strong,"

he said before departing.

"Shall we?"

Abhi gestured to Riddhima.

She nodded, and they both settled into the backseat of the car. Riddhima's fear lingered.

"I promise I won't ever leave you again. I'll always protect you. Just trust me,"

Abhi reassured her calmly.

Riddhima smiled, reassured by his words.

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