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did i do something wrong

you've barely texted me

not even good morning texts

you just react to my messages with those fucking heart bubbles

no, you didn't do anything

i haven't felt that good this past week

don't worry

too late, i'm worrying

are you sick ?


im fine

you literally just said you weren't feeling that good

that's not fine

im fine, clay

if there's one thing i've learned in life, its that women are never fine when they say they are

do you want to talk about it

have you ever had a crush, clay ?

i think it would be awkward if i didn't have crushes on my exes at one point tbh

so yes, you have

there's a reason they're called crushes

they crush

stop quoting pinterest screenshots

who do i need to beat up for you

no one

im trying to get over them myself

do they not like you ?

i don't think they do

well you never know until you try

i think you should try

if they're good enough to attract your affections in the first place, they probably deserve to keep them



when did you get all sappy and shit

that wasn't sappy

that was looking out for my friend.


thanks adrien agreste.

can i call you raggedy ann then

she has the same red hair and dark soulless eyes

no you cannot call me raggedy ann

well you're no jessica rabbit

cant believe i gave you a character that canonically models and you gave some possessed annabelle doll bullshit

if the shoe fits

this is why i don't respond 😐

el oh el

your humor is still so great :D

making funny jokes 24/7

stop embarrassing yourself

i don't feel shame

well i do

and boy is this giving me plenty

you're so dramatic

i bet you did theater in high school

says the literal role player

and no, i played field hockey and was the president of the asl club

all i remember is cursing and basic conversation

brb gonna find your high school yearbook

go ahead idc

i've gotten used to your snooping



i still had hope then

its long gone now


don't say mood, ew

you judge whatever i type

im sick of it

then stop typing


i've missed this

fuck off

i missed that too

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