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i think i'm gonna die writing this paper

you wouldn't happen to know anything about maxim gorky, would you?

no i'm 14


excuse me ???

who are you

if you're fucking around with me right now, i'm gonna kill you

is your name really gertrude lmao ?


then why is that your name in my brother's phone


you're clay's sibling ?


i literally just said he was my brother

ok um ouch

and i never said i was that bright

what's your real name?

why would i tell you that

bartholomew doesn't even know my
real name

did i see that shit right ?

bartholomew ?

what the fuck

yes you did, small child

bartholomew jenkins

aka your older brother


cool good talk

please tell me your name

i beg


because clay doesn't know

and i  want to be better than clay

you sound just like nick

stop deflecting, you kitchen wench




you can't escape me

i am all powerful

i can try

please tell me

please tell me

please tell me

please tell me

please tell me

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