Red Lodge

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The three finally arrive in Red Lodge, quickly finding a cheap motel before going to interview the locals

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The three finally arrive in Red Lodge, quickly finding a cheap motel before going to interview the locals. After Sam's dream, he had a hard time even looking at Val without his mind immediately going in the gutter. "Sammy and Valerie you share one bed, I get my own '' Dean says, placing his duffle bag on one of the beds, Sam gives his brother a death stare, knowing he's doing this to mess with Sam even more.

"I'm going to go change into my FBI clothes, I suggest you guys do too" she chuckles, before going to the bathroom to change. "Seriously Dean you did that on purpose" Sam whispered yells at his brother, "Maybe it'll finally get you two to actually do something, just keep it in your pants while I'm around ok?" the older brother says, beginning to change into his agent suit.

After a few minutes everyone was ready in their fake FBI get ups, "Isn't it crazy how easy it is to impersonate a federal agent" Val says, the brothers laugh, agreeing with her. The three then made their way to the impala, "Ok so first stop is the police station, then the morgue, then probably a Vics house" Sam says, the other two nod in response.

When they arrive at the station, they flash their badges to the receptionist, who calls the Sheriff for them. "What can I do for you agents?" a burly man, the sheriff, asks as he approaches the three of them. "We're here because of the recent deaths" Dean says, "Yes, those cases are interesting, we've had 5 bodies show up with bite marks and their bodies almost completely drained of blood, if i didn't know better I'd say its a Vampire like in those twilight books, but those don't exist so its most likely and animal" the sheriff says. "Ok, well thank you for the information, we will definitely be in touch" Sam says, the sheriff shakes all of their hands before parting ways.

The trio makes their way outside, "So it's obviously Vampires, but how many that is" Val says. "My guess is it's a nest, hopefully a small one" Dean says, the other two nod in response.

The rest of the day was spent checking crime scenes and talking with the vics families to try and get any information they could. "Ok so after talking to 2 of the victims families I found out that they both went to see the same therapist, Dr.Tilly," Sam says, "Yeah the families I've interviewed also said that their relative saw that therapist" Val adds, "Well looks like we have our suspect, we'll go to this woman's office first thing tomorrow morning, see if anything is off" Dean says. "Sounds like a plan" Val responds, Sam just nods in response.

The next day the three, dressed in their fake FBI suits, make their way to the therapist's house. " Wow, it must be nice to live in a place like this" Dean jokes, admiring the mansion that sits in front of them, "Rich vamps" Val mumbles in response.

The three make their way to the huge front door, Dean knocks but gets no response so he knocks again and finally a person opens the door. "Hi how can I help you" a lady says, she's wearing an old time maid uniform and almost looks frightened. "We're with the FBI were looking for Dr.Tilly" Sam says as they all flash their badges, the maids eyes go wide as she sees the badges, "Oh um she- she's not in right now" but the brothers and Val could tell she was lying, "look we can protect you, we know what she is" Val whispers, trying to console the poor maid. "She's in her office" the woman whispers, Valerie nods.Thank you, you just saved a lot of people's lives, get somewhere safe ok? And we'll come get you after" Sam says, the lady nods and steps out of their way.

The three cautiously make their way to the Dr's home office, "I'm going to go around, you two confront her ok?" Dean says as he walks off, Val and Sam look at each other before pushing the door open. "Ah a Winchester, to what do I owe the pleasure" the lady chuckles as Sam and Valerie enter the room. "How do you know my name?" Sam says, "Oh sweetie my kind has been dealing with your family for years, of course I would recognize your handsome face, where's the other brother" she smirks, Val's jaw clenches slightly as the Dr talks to Sam. "Oh I seem to have struck a nerve with this one" the Vampire chuckles as she looks at Val.

Valerie lungs at the vampire, throwing a punch at her but the monster dodges her attack and pushes the girl against the bookshelf. Sam goes to attack the Vampire, his machete at the ready to behead the monster, but before he can a man comes behind him and tackles him, as sam begins to fight his opponent, the doctor walks up to Val. "Tsk Tsk little girl, don't you know I'm too powerful for you" the lady smirks and kicks Val, "Screw you" Valerie groans as she attempts to get up, the lady pulls her up aggressively, "Looks like I'll just have to kill you huh?" The lady smirks, her ugly fangs emerge from her gums, before the lady can sink her teeth into Vals neck, her head falls off her shoulders and her body collapses on the ground.

Valerie looks up to see a slightly bloody Sam, "Th-thanks" she mumbles out, still in shock from what just happened. "Anytime Val, are you ok?" he rushes up to her, checking her body for any visible bruises or cuts, "Just a few cuts and scrapes but I'm ok" she says softly "Sam I-" but before she can speak Dean comes in, "Ready to go?" he says, "Yeah lets go" Sam says, grabbing Valerie's hand and following Dean out the door. "Where is the lady from earlier?" Val asks as they walk outside, "Oh yeah her? Turns out she was one of them, tried to bite my head off but I got her" Dean says as they walk to the impala and get in.

As the three head back to the motel, Val can't stop thinking about the way Sam saved her life, it reignited a spark that she thought went away years ago. "Val we're here" Sam says, snapping her out of her thoughts, she slides out of the impala and follows the boys to their motel room. "I'm going to head to a bar, see you guys tomorrow morning" Dean says, giving them a quick wave then walking out the door. "Wanna watch a movie?" Sam says, breaking the silence between them, "Yeah" she says and lays back on the bed, Sam following in suit.

About mid way through the movie Val turns to Sam "Sam I just wanna say thank you again for earlier" she whispers, Sam turns to her and smiles "Of course Val anytime". Without thinking she leans forward and kisses him, the kiss lasts a few seconds before she pulled away "I'm sorry i just-" but Sam cuts her off with his lips, her eyes flutter closed as she sinks into the kiss.

 Without thinking she leans forward and kisses him, the kiss lasts a few seconds before she pulled away "I'm sorry i just-" but Sam cuts her off with his lips, her eyes flutter closed as she sinks into the kiss

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A/N : Next two chapters will be steamy 😏

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