An Unlikely reunion

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𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒶 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝐼 𝑔𝑜    

   𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝑒

   𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝑒

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It was Halloween night 2005 and Valerie's boyfriend, Chris, was hosting another halloween party, like he did every year

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It was Halloween night 2005 and Valerie's boyfriend, Chris, was hosting another halloween party, like he did every year. She was standing in the corner talking to her friends, when she felt a tap on her shoulder, Val turns around and is faced with the handsome face of a young man she's never seen before on campus.  "Hey I-I like your costume" he says, clearly nervous. Valerie looks at him and smiles, she looks him up and down, admiring his loosely put together lawyer costume. "I like yours too, a lawyer I assume?" she says, the boy sheepishly nods his head.

"I'm Sam by the way, Sam Winchester '' he says and extends his hand out for her to shake, she smiles and shakes his hand "Valerie Singer, but you can call me Val ''. "I'm assuming you're Juliet from the 1996 movie?" Sam asks, "Yes! You're the first person to say that, everyone thinks i'm an angel but i'm juliet! My boyfriend is Romeo, but I'm not sure where he ran off too" she frowns slightly at the end of her sentence. Sam's heart drops slightly when he hears she has a boyfriend, he quickly gathers himself and says "Well it's a very nice costume, and you look beautiful in it by the way". She blushes slightly and grins "Thank you so much that's so sweet of you".

"So you enjoying the party so far?" he asks, "Yeah, it's my boyfriend Chris's party, he's the other half of my costume but I haven't been able to find him all night" she frowns. "Oh I'm sorry about that, he must be crazy to leave a pretty girl like you alone '' Sam says, Val chuckles "yeah tell me about it". "It was really nice talking to you but i'm going to try to find him, but here's my number, we should definitely hang out sometime" she says, quickly writing her number down on a napkin and handing it to him. "Yeah of course, good luck finding him and I'll see you around" he says, before waving goodbye to the girl.

Valerie pushes her way through the sea of drunk college kids, hastily looking in every direction for her boyfriend. After not seeing him on the first floor, she decides to make her way upstairs to check his room. She slowly approaches his bedroom door, her heart beating out of her chest as she hears the noises that are coming from the other side. She carefully turns the handle, revealing the worst possible outcome, her boyfriend Chris naked on top of another girl who wasn't her. "Chris?" she says, causing her boyfriend to leap off the bed. "Baby it's not what it looks like I swear" he says, the girl behind him wraps the sheet around her chest for modesty as she watches the scene unfold in front of her.

"Don't" Val says, stopping him in his tracks, "How could you? And is she even the first one!" Valerie yells. Chris looks away, his expression being the only answer she needs. "We're done Chris, I never want to see or hear from you again, you're dead to me" she states, tears slowly streaming down her face from rage and hurt. She slams the door shut and pushes her way past the other drunk party goers, she storms down the stairs, through the crowd and out the door. Sam notices her storm out of the party and quickly hurries to follow her.

Valerie had walked a little bit down the street, finding herself on a lone bench, she puts her head in her hands and sobs. "V-Val are you ok?" Sam asks as he carefully approaches her. "Does it look like I'm ok?" she mumbles. Sam sighs and sits down beside her, "No, you don't look ok, what happened? Something with Chris?" he asks, which makes the girl let out a soft cry. "He cheated" she says, disgust laced in her voice. "That asshole, want me to go in there and talk to him" Sam says, fully ready to confront Chris. "No its not worth it, honestly I think I'm just going to go back home, thanks for caring though, I know we just met so that's very sweet of you" , Sam nods his head in response "Yeah of course, anytime Val, can I atleast walk you back to your place, it's dark and late". "You don't have to, I don't want to inconvenience you" she says as she wipes some stray tears away. "No really I insist" he says, reassuring her, "Ok, thanks that's very sweet of you" she says and the two get up from the bench and begin walking in the direction of her apartment.

"You know my dad had a word for boys like that" she chuckles, "What would that be?" Sam asked, "He'd call them Idjits," she says, a small smile coming to her face. "You know what's funny I know someone who loves using that word too '' Sam says, "Really? Well maybe that person should meet my father".

The two walk in silence for a bit, just taking in the night and the presence of one another. Eventually they make it to her complex, "Hey I live in this same complex" Sam says, "Really? Man how have we not crossed paths sooner" she says, appalled that tonight was the first time she had met this man. "I don't know, but call me crazy, I feel like you and I have met before, that's why I came up to you at the party, something just drew me to you, and I'm not being one of those cliche guys, i'm being serious" Sam rambles.

"I don't think you're crazy Sam, I won't lie I feel like I've met you before too, honestly my long term memory is so hazy since I block stuff out, but we very well could have met before" she says, laughing slightly at the last part. "I'm the same way, everything before college and kinda during college has been a blur, but maybe sometime we could talk more? If you have the time" he asks nervously. "I'd love to, but I'll be out of town for a while, I think I'm going to go see my dad" She says, frowning at having to turn him down. "No worries at all, If you don't mind me asking where he lives," Sam asks, not knowing that in mere seconds his life would shift.

"Oh he lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota" she says, nonchalantly.

"Hey I know someone who lives there too, it'd be funny if it was the same guy huh" Sam jokes.

"My dads a bit grumpy, he doesn't know many people, he mainly works on cars and um other stuff" she has to lie on the last part, to cover up what her fathers other job actually was.

A sudden realization hits Sam like a tidal wave, "Your father works on cars? Does he happen to own a scrap yard" he asks, "Y-yeah, how'd you know?" she says, a tad bit creeped out.

"What's your father's name?" Sam asks.

"Bobby Singer, why?" she responds.

"Bobby Singer, why?" she responds

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