Chapter 11

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Three years ago

French Alps. Harmony Springs Renewal Youth Wellness Institute.

The curfew at our asylum began two hours ago, and the windows are darkening one by one before my eyes. The wind roams through the treetops, bringing a pleasant mountain freshness from the river. I'm in my usual spot, wrapped in a blanket, smoking my second cigarette.

My emotional state is eating me from the inside. After stopping my medication, every slight tremor of my soul's strings resonates with a horrible pain in my chest, especially considering recent events...

Drops of evening rain are dripping from the leaves of the tree under which I've settled. The moon warmly illuminates one of them on my palm. I blow off the drop and take a drag. Every inhale of the gray smoke reminds me of only one person.

My dear Josie was disgracefully kicked out of her internship at Harmony Springs. And it's all my fault. My changed hair color did not go unnoticed by the hospital administration. Of course, everyone was wondering how the patient, without access to hairdressers and shops, was able to do this with her hair.

They easily figured out it was Josephine and found evidence in the form of a half-squeezed tube of dye in the drawer in my room. Fortunately, the cigarettes Josie also brought me were hidden more securely—in a small slit in the mattress.

I'm not sure how exactly I feel about Josephine being fired. On one hand, she was foolish to always give in to my requests, but on the other hand, it's a pity to lose such a valuable person who was willing to bring you anything you asked for.

"Now you're much easier to find in the dark," Ethan's voice startles me.

The remains of the cigarette slip from my fingers and fall into the wet grass.

"Fuck," I swear, watching the filter get completely soaked. "Well, thanks a lot."

Ethan just smirks slightly and sits down beside me, leaning against the sturdy trunk of the tree. Our tree, you could say. This is where we almost kissed for the first time.

"You've become more emotional," he notes cheerfully. "Stopped taking your pills?"

I shoot him a look. It's all so easy for him. We haven't talked in weeks, not even after I dyed my hair. And now he just sits down next to me and starts a friendly chat as if nothing happened.

It drives me mad.

"Is my life that interesting to you?" I snap, trying to bore two holes into his forehead with my gaze. "You don't tell me anything about yours. So why should I open up to you?"

The smile vanishes from Ethan's face immediately. He clearly doesn't like my tone. He moves closer, wrapping his hand around my bare ankle. His touch makes my skin burn under the firm grip of his long fingers. A heavy feeling settles in my lower abdomen, and my heart starts to race.

"Let's play a game, Christine," he suggests in a deep, intimate voice, leaning in closer. So close I can feel the warmth of his breath. "Truth or dare. Except I'll always tell the truth, and you'll fulfill my wishes."

I remain silent, unsure of what to say. Ethan takes my silence as agreement and nods with satisfaction, moving even closer. Now his legs encircle mine, and we sit face to face. Blake's hands rest on my knees, his fingers gently stroking my legs through the cotton fabric of my pajama pants.

"Come on," Ethan urges. "Go ahead, Christine. This is your only chance to learn as much as possible about me. You want that, don't you?"

I press my lips together, studying Ethan Blake's sharp chin. He's slightly stubbled. My hand itches to touch it. The desire is so strong, I feel a burning sensation in my fingertips.

I urgently need to occupy myself with something.

Silently, I pull a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of my plush hoodie. I take out a lighter and a cigarette. Clenching the filter between my lips, I light up and exhale the first puffs of smoke.

Ethan watches me patiently but doesn't hurry to take out his usual cherry cigarillos. Strange, he never misses a chance to boost his nicotine levels.

"Well," I say, spreading the remaining lip balm on my lips, "where are you from, Ethan Blake?"

"England," Ethan answers calmly.

"I figured that much. From where exactly, which city?" I clarify.

"Wait, it's my turn now," Ethan smirks. "Save that question for later. Now it's time for my wish."

"And what's your wish?" I roll my eyes, taking a drag from my cigarette.

Blake almost purrs with satisfaction. I don't know what's going through his mind right now, but my nerves tighten like a string under his intense gaze.

"Take off your hoodie," he says, nodding his chin in my direction.

Well, that's not the worst wish. I ask Ethan to hold my cigarette, while I unzip my hoodie, and toss it on top of the blanket. Now I'm left in a white semi-transparent tank top, which clearly pleases Blake. My nipples immediately harden, either from the cool breeze or the darkening look in Ethan's eyes.

"Which city are you from?" I don't give him a reason to relax, reclaiming my cigarette from his fingers.

I take a drag, waiting for his answer. But he doesn't rush, carefully studying every inch of my body.

"London," Ethan shrugs, returning his gaze to my face.

I sigh in disappointment. The answer was too predictable. On the other hand, it gives me a little more insight into his background. I ponder what to ask next, but my thoughts are interrupted by Ethan's next wish.

"Take off your tank top," Ethan's tone is more of a command than a request.

The thought of being topless in front of Blake makes me tremble. I can refuse and walk away at any moment. But... what if refusing now means Ethan stops talking to me altogether?

It seems like there's a thaw in our relationship right now. And he's clearly excited by this game. This is my chance to get closer to him, to understand him better.

I stub out my cigarette and, with shaking hands, pull my tank top off over my head. As I tuck it into the sleeve of my hoodie, I notice Ethan's eyes burning with a red intensity at the sight of my nakedness.

I take advantage of his reaction and push my chest out. If he's that interested, let him enjoy the view. I want to watch him within the walls of our loony bin, to tease him with my body, making him realize he can't touch me...

I want power over him and his emotions. I want him to be mine.

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