Chapter 4

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I am so so so sorry that I didn't update in forever. I never came to it because I'm not on summer break yet. I hope you like this chapter xx

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"Sooo?" Toby asked me.


"Can I meet him?" He asked me with puppy eyes expecting me to say yes.

"Oh toby, don't use your puppy eyes on me!"

He made a much cuter face with his puppy eyes.

Gosh, he's so adoarble. But why does he wanna meet him so badly?

"Fine.." I gave up.

He jumped up and hugged me "yaaaaay"

He pulled away and looked at me "Love you, violet"

I chuckled. He's such a cutie.

"Love you too"

I heard footsteps going upstairs. What if these are the visiters? Shit.

"Toby get into my closet! Hurry up!"

He ran to my closet and I closed the closet door.

The footsteps came closer and I just figured that I would turn invisible for humans.

The door opened and it was my mom..

"Gosh mother! I thought you would be one of the visiters!" I shouted.

"Violet don't shout at me!"

I lowered my tone "sorry but I had to put toby in the closet because of it."

Her eyes grew and opened the closet door.

"Aw toby, come here" she said and picked him up.

I rolled my eyes "anyways. What do you want?"

"We have a little problem.." she said.

"What kind of problem?"

"We can't get the visiters out of the house.."

Umm "Why's that?"

"They just bought it.."

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Violet don't shout!" My mom said in a louder tone.

"But you said that you would try to get them out again"

"We tried"

"Doesn't look like it. I heard them talk with Marcy earlier and I didn't see you doing anything!"

"Well.." She started.

"Gosh mother! You know what will happen! I don't need another loser family in this house." I said.

"Your dad and I will try our best but we don't think that we can do it on our own."

Oh so now they need me?! What about toby then? Well Moira could take him.

"Yea okay, I'll help" I said.

My mom shaked her head "That's not what I meant."

Oh "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"We thought about Tate.."

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