Chapter 5

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I stood in silent for a moment.

"That's a joke, right?"

She shook her head "sweetie, it's not "

I walked through my room. I was starting to freak out.

"Yo-ou-You can't be serious!!" I shouted.

My breathe got heavier now.

My mom must have noticed because she put toby down and came closer.

"Violet...calm down.." she said slowly.

"Don't fuck-ing. tell me to. calm d-own" It was hard to breath for me.

"Violet breath breath!"

I was getting dizzy. Oh no..


I woke up in my bed. My mom sat there with a glass of water in her hand.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked quiet.

"You had a panick attack and passed out" she said.


I tried to get up and drank some water.

"Violet, I get that you freaked out because of our idea of tate but- -"

I interrupted her "mom he raped you!"

"..I'm aware of that"

"Why tate? We have enough other crazy ghosts here who could handle the new owner." I said.

"Could be but they don't wanna have anything to do with that shit anymore."

"That's ridiculous" I replied.

"Just think about it..okay?" She asked me quiet.


She kissed my forhead and left.

"I love you. There I said it. And it's not just on a chalkboard."

Oh man. What do I do now?

Why do my parents want tate for this? It doesn't make sense. He raped my mom and I know that he talked to my dad after I told him to go away. My dad hates him so I don't get why he would even think of him.


I woke up from my little nap again and got up.

This whole shit is crazy.

I drank a glass of water and put my hair in a ponytail.

I went downstairs and saw Ryan sitting there.

"Boo!" I said louder.

Ryan jumped up a little and I chuckled.

"You're so easy to mess with" I said as I smiled.

"It's not funny Violet." He said as he chuckled.

"Mhm then why are you laughing?" I started to chuckle at that.

"..You're such a dork."

I smiled "hah thanks" and walked into the kitchen.

My mom was sitting there with moira.

They saw me "how are you feeling, darling? Your mother told me that you passed out" said moira.

I looked at my mom.. She had to tell everyone of course.

"I'm fine moira"

My mom looked at her "Could you excuse me and violet for a second?"

She nodded and went out.

Oh what now?

"Did you think about it?" She asked me.

"Well yea kinda" I said as I sat down next to her.


"I still don't really believe you. Dad would never agree to this. He hates tate." I replied.

"It doesn't matter if he hates tate. What tate can do matters"

"Yea a psycho in the house. Beautiful" I was being sarcastic.

"Violet.. I know that you loved him. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you right now"

This broke my heart. Again. Why did she have to say that. It's hard enough already. I don't need to get remembered of it.

"Mom don't even start!" I said and ran out.

I went into my room.

They're pushing me into it.

Okay fine. My parents want tate to get the owners out. They can have it. I'm over that bullshit. He has no control over me!

"Tate come back here!" I shouted and closed my eyes.

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