Chapter 6

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"Violet?" a voice said quiet.

Oh my god. It's him. His voice. I haven't heard it in such a long time.

I open my eyes and there he is.

I'm so.. so shocked right now.

He still has his blonde curly hair. He wears jeans and the sweater he wore when we first met.

He seems kinda shocked too but he smiles a bit.

"hey." This is everything what I can say right now.

He comes closer "I missed you so much"

"Stop. Don't come closer" I say.


The door opened and my little brother came in.

He looked at tate and his face expression changed.

"Oh my god violet. I found him. He is here!!" He said as he ran to him but I stopped him.

"Woahh what do you think are you doing?" I said to toby as I pulled him close.

"I wanted to hug him." He said.

I looked at tate. He had a little smile on his face. Oh my god that smile. His dimples are just so ugh.

Gosh I need to stop this.

"No" I said to toby.

"He is the boy from the picture" he said and shows me the photo.

I take it away from him "doesn't matter"

I helped him to get out of my room and closed the door.

"Sorry about that. My little brother is- - anyways." I said.

"What's his name?" Tate asked.

"Toby" I answered.

"Is he my - -"

I interrupted him "no! Your mom has your son but I don't know him tho"

He nodded.

I'm impressed. Tate seemed more mature.

I sat down on my bed.

"What have you been doing the past 2 years?" I asked him.

He came closer to the bed "missing you"

I missed you too.

"Oh" I said.

He sat next to me. I could feel his body heat.

Just like the time we were spooning in my bed after he told me that he loved me.

"Violet, I want you to know that what I did 2 years ago.. that isn't me anymore. I changed" he said and put his hand over mine.

I looked at our hands and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh really?"

He nodded "the past 2 years have been hell. I missed you everyday. I missed to touch you.. to talk to you.. to - -"

I stood up. "This isn't about us right now"

I can't let him in that easily.

He seemed kinda sad now.

Well sorry to ruin your bubble, honey.

"My parents need your help. That's why I called you." I said as I looked down.

"Oh." he said.

"Look, there are these new owners and my parents need your help to get them out of here. Don't kill them tho! We don't need more losers in here"

He smiled.

"What?" I asked him.

"I missed your humour" he said as he smiled.

His dimples. Oh my god. This is gonna be hard.

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Tell me what you think about this chapter please. (:

And happy happy birthday to my sunshine taissa farmiga. She is turning 21 today omg.

Lipstick StainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora