Chapter 24

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"Grief is the price you pay for love

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"Grief is the price you pay for love." — Aunt Josephine

Chapter 24 - Silent Scars, Spoken Truths


The sun hung low in the clear sky, casting a brilliant glow that shimmered across the expanse of snow-covered ground. The pristine white blanket sparkled under the sunlight, creating a crisp and serene landscape that stretched endlessly. Lydia, trudging through the snow, followed behind Diana and Ruby, keeping pace with Anne who walked quietly by her side. Anne seemed to be somewhere else entirely, lost in contemplative silence, her gaze distant and unfocused.

Lydia, sensitive to Anne's quietude, turned her attention toward the lively discussion ahead. "There's nothing wrong with saying, 'I'm sorry for your loss,' Ruby," Diana insisted, her breath visible in the cold air. "I'm going to say it because I am."

Lydia glanced at Anne, noticing her friend's continued detachment as she stared vacantly at the figures in front of them. With a quiet sigh, Lydia reached out and gently took Anne's hand in a gesture of silent comfort. Anne turned her gaze toward Lydia, her expression softening at the touch. Lydia offered a small, reassuring nod, conveying her unwavering support without words. Anne nodded slightly in response, and Lydia refocused on the ongoing conversation.

"You'll just make it worse if you say that," Ruby argued, her voice tinged with concern. "His father just died."

"That's what people say when someone dies," Diana replied firmly. "It's a way to show we care."

"I don't want you to upset him," Ruby countered.

"He's already upset because his father just died," Diana pointed out, her tone marked by a hint of frustration.

Diana then turned around to face Lydia and Anne. "Lydia, Anne, please tell Ruby it's all right to say—"

"I'm thinking perhaps I should get on home," Anne interrupted, her voice quiet but resolute, halting the conversation in its tracks.

Diana's features softened as she accepted the inevitable. "All right. Goodbye, Anne." Her voice carried a mixture of understanding and regret.

Anne offered a brief nod, a silent acknowledgment, before turning to walk away without another word. The crunch of her boots on the snow gradually faded into the wintry silence. Lydia watched her friend's retreating figure, feeling a twinge of concern. She let out a quiet sigh, the cold air turning her breath into a fleeting mist before she turned back to join Diana and Ruby.

The two girls resumed their conversation, but Lydia found herself drifting away from the words, her mind replaying the earlier, tense moments with Anne in the kitchen. What had been said was still heavy on her heart, echoing in the silence between spoken words.

"Lydia, do you think Gilbert will like the cookies you made?" Diana's voice sliced through Lydia's thoughts, pulling her back to the present.

"Huh? What?" Lydia blinked, startled, her eyes meeting Diana's in a moment of confusion.

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