Chapter 21

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"The calm after the storm brings not just peace, but a clearer understanding of the bonds that sustain us

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"The calm after the storm brings not just peace, but a clearer understanding of the bonds that sustain us." - Taylor Smith

Chapter 21 - After the Storm


The morning sun crept gently into Minnie May's bedroom, casting a soft glow across the room. Lydia slowly opened her eyes, her mind still fuzzy from a restless night. She sat up, careful not to disturb her sleeping sisters. Diana was curled up on one side of the bed, with Minnie May nestled close on the other side, breathing peacefully now that the crisis had passed.

Lydia rubbed her eyes and glanced around. Anne's spot on the floor, where she'd slept on a makeshift mattress, was empty. She must have gone home, Lydia thought. The quiet house and the gentle morning light made it feel like the worst of the night had truly passed.

Lydia carefully untangled herself from the covers and her siblings' limbs, then slipped out of bed. She tiptoed to her room, dressed in a fresh outfit, ran a brush through her hair, and styled her hair into a half-up and half-down style. As she made her way downstairs, the familiar sounds of a bustling kitchen greeted her ears—Margaret, the housekeeper, was busy at the stove.

Lydia entered the kitchen to the warm smell of breakfast cooking. Margaret was stirring something in a pot and had a kettle on the stove. When she heard footsteps, she turned with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Miss Lydia," Margaret greeted her, her voice cheerful despite the early hour.

"Good morning, Margaret," Lydia replied, returning the smile.

"The tea will be ready soon, and breakfast will be done in about an hour," Margaret explained.

"Thank you," Lydia said. "Have my parents arrived yet?"

"No, not yet," Margaret said, shaking her head. "They must still be on their way."

Lydia nodded, a little disappointed but not surprised. "Is Aunt Josephine up?" she asked.

"Yes, she's in the living room," Margaret replied, gesturing with a nod towards the doorway. "Probably reading her book, as usual."

"Thank you," Lydia said, offering another smile before turning to leave the kitchen.

As she walked toward the living room, she felt a sense of calm settling over her.


The living room was bathed in morning light, streaming through the sheer curtains that fluttered slightly in the soft breeze. Aunt Josephine sat in her usual armchair, her spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose as she read through her book. Lydia entered quietly, not wanting to startle her.

Aunt Josephine glanced up, lowering her glasses slightly as she did. "Ah, good morning, Lydia," she said, her voice steady and composed. "I trust you slept well, considering the excitement last night?"

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