Chapter 22

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"It's okay to feel lost, Gilbert. It's okay to not be okay." - Lydia Miller-Barry

Chapter 22 - Warm Hearts


The cold breeze of an early winter morning filled the air as Diana and Lydia walked to school, their steps light on the snow path that led to Avonlea's schoolhouse. The warmth of the sun was just beginning to take hold, casting soft glows over the snow-covered ground. The pair chatted and laughed, their spirits high despite the tumultuous events of the past week.

As they approached the end of the forest, a familiar voice broke through the hum of morning sounds. "Diana! Lydia!" Anne Shirley called from a distance, her tone lively and enthusiastic. The three girls ran toward each other, their school satchels bouncing with each hurried step.

"Anne!" Diana exclaimed, her excitement mirrored by Lydia's equally joyful shout. The trio embraced in a tight group hug, their friendship rekindled after a period of separation.

Anne stepped back, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, aren't you both almost nearly perfectly happy?" she asked, her words carrying a playful lilt. "Our separation has been an excruciating torment, but I'm so relieved it's finally over."

Diana and Lydia nodded, sharing a look of mutual understanding. The three began walking towards the schoolhouse, their conversation picking up as they exchanged updates on their lives. The recent incident with Minnie May had brought them even closer, and it was clear that the bonds between them were growing stronger.

"Mother could hardly keep us apart after you saved Minnie May," Diana said to Anne, her voice filled with gratitude. Lydia nodded in agreement, her memories of that night still vivid. Anne's quick thinking had been the difference between life and death.

Anne's eyes softened as she listened to Diana's words. It was clear that her brave actions had made a lasting impact. Diana continued, "Even Aunt Josephine said she'd see you again, and she doesn't like anyone."

"Wasn't she only staying while your parents were away?" Anne asked, curious about the older woman.

"Uh, no, no. She's come to stay with us for at least a month," Diana explained, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "I don't quite know how we'll stand it. She's so particular."

"But she suffered a loss," Diana continued, her tone becoming more somber. "She's grieving, so she's been disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away."

Anne nodded, her expression sympathetic. Lydia, curious about Aunt Josephine's companion, leaned in, eager to learn more. "Her companion?" Lydia asked, her brow furrowed slightly in confusion.

Diana leaned in close to Anne and Lydia, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "Her best friend forever and ever." The moment was intimate, filled with the kind of secrets that only best friends share.

As they walked together to school, she leaned her head toward Lydia. Anne and Lydia mirrored her, drawing in closer, and together, they sighed in unison—a sigh of contentment and peace. Diana couldn't help but giggle at their collective serenity, the sound light and airy against the morning chill.

The trio made their way across the snowfield that led to their school, the snow ground whispering under their feet. Breaking the tranquil morning air, Diana brought up a topic that had lingered on her mind. "Aunt Josephine never married," she explained thoughtfully. "Neither of them did."

She paused, letting the words sink in before adding, "They lived with each other their whole life."

Moved by the thought, Anne's voice bubbled up with enthusiasm. "I'd live with you both forever if I could," she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with a mix of dreamy aspiration and heartfelt sincerity.

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