8. Celebrations

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Sunday 2nd January 1966

The carriage landed on the pad on the outskirts of Virto, and the door opened. The water town bustled with the sounds of the people walking the streets and talking. Lord De Jou stepped out onto the wooden dock and handed the pilot some coins before gesturing for the teenagers and his wife to follow.

As Aaron stepped onto the wooden dock, he felt the wood move beneath his feet. He wobbled and grabbed hold of the rope holding the dock together. He took a deep breath and looked across Lake Estok. The water-type pokémon swimming beneath his feet and all across the lake while the citizens surfed, swam and rowed over the water. Footsteps caught his attention, and Aaron fell back.

"I brought the crutches you asked for. I will leave them here," a voice said.

With an understanding nod, Lord De Jou picked them up and carefully tucked the wooden crutches underneath Mylious's arms. He moved Mylious's fingers so they were wrapped around the handles firmly.

The serene sound of the lake water splashing all around them was overwhelmingly calming, and the warmth of the Colran weather leaned on them like a new friend. Beads of sweat had started to form on the teenager's foreheads.

"Sir, it's too hot," Aaron said, hoping the Lord Elite would do something to help. However, his words were ignored, as Lady De Jou and Lord De Jou's attention was still drawn to helping his friend. "Sir?" Aaron repeated.

"Hmm?" Lady De Jou responded with her gentle voice. "What's the matter, Aaron?" she asked, her concern evident. "Oh, are you feeling too warm, sweetie? Well, why don't we find a cool spot for lunch and enjoy the puppet show? After lunch, we can join in the festival activities while we wait for your dad." Her words were filled with warmth and understanding, and she hoped to offer comfort to the overheated teenager.

Aaron nodded, his brain racing with curiosity. "I am surprised it isn't snowy here... or even cold. It's winter." Aaron cautiously made his way towards the non-floating walkway, his steps unsteady until his feet found purchase on the more stable planted dock. "That's better." Aaron's spirits lifted as he bounced on the tips of his toes before jogging over to one of the wooden benches by the water's edge. He slid under the large rectangular green-coloured parasol and sat down. He let out a massive sigh of relief as the shade coated him. "Better. Oh wow! Is that a pink squawkabilly? I've only ever seen blue ones..."

"That's right, Aaron. Here in Colran, squawkabilly are green and pink, sometimes yellow. In Elktan, they are mostly blue and yellow. You know what else is a different colour in Colran?" Lord De Jou asked, sitting down next to him.

"No sir," Aaron said.

"The gastrodon and shellos, sir," Clarence said, sitting opposite Aaron. He let out a deep breath as the shade coasted over him. The squawks of the pink squawkabilly were loud but not unpleasant. Clarence leaned against the wooden table. "Are they dangerous, sir?"

"Mostly the pink squawkabilly feed on water type pokémon like arrokuda, velvuza. Some will go for popplio or even omanyte." Lord De Jou shuffled over and noticed Erik was sitting next to his wife on the other side of the table, still petting the ponyta. "Why don't you boys let your pokémon out? We will pay for food for them and you." He smiled at them. "You can have whatever you want. Here is some money for the stands."

The glowing red of the poké balls consumed the small area as Aaron's Samurott and Salamence popped out. I don't think letting an Onix in a crowded space would be a good idea. Aaron saw Erik's ponyta and houndour sit by the table. Mylious's joltik sat atop his head, happily squeaking and jumping away, while Clarence's alakazam's ears twitched out of curiosity. Before Aaron could stop him, his samurott dived into the water, splashing around.

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