3. Train Confrontation

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Aaron turned to see a dark shadow approaching from the citadel above them, diving down and revealing its twisted, long talons and light blue scales. Its moon-shaped wings captured the blizzard's air and sliced through it like it was nothing before grabbing hold of Aaron.

"I hate you so much," Clarence said as he was pulled up onto the salamence's back. He looked at Mylious, who was shaking and unable to move. Shit, he is paralysed. "Aaron, we need somewhere to hide. Or go somewhere until your dad isn't pissed at us anymore."

"I know." Aaron grabbed tightly onto his salamence and took a sharp turn back to the citadel. "Let's just get on a train and go. Fuck my dad. I don't care where we go, just... away from here. I can't believe I got thrown in the Tauch." He saw the braviary fly past him in their pack and he grinned. "Feels like us."

"Feels like we don't have goggles, and I can't see shit!" Clarence called out. "I fucking hate flying with you."

"Maybe if you weren't such a baby and weren't scared of heights..." Aaron said as the air rushed past his face and the snow smashed into his cheeks. "Hold on tight!" Aaron shouted, and the salamence swung around, diving down toward the centre square of the citadel. He extended his claws and dug in deep as he crashed into the stone-paved floor street.

Clarence staggered off the beast's blue scaled back and toppled to the side and a bin. He couldn't contain the nausea of flying anymore, and he vomited into the bin. Just great. Thanks. He heard muttering from behind him and looked around to see a group of girls gathering together. In the middle of them was Hélena Qu. His eyes focused on her, and he raised his hand to wave at her.

"Listen, um... Hélena. I was wondering if you-" Before he could though, the nausea struck again, and he threw up on the pavement.

"Ew. What is wrong with you? No, I won't go to the end-of-year dance with you. I am going with Aa'on," Hélena said. Her eyes narrowed in on Clarence like an Arbok.

"You are?" Aaron asked.

"You are?" gurgled Clarence.

"Yes, I am. Aaron is cute, I mean, he has big green eyes and soft green hair, and his dad runs this place," Hélena said, pressing her hand to her cheek.

Nice, Aaron thought. I got myself a girlfriend.

"Stop them!" Ellio Piscar called out.

"Shit! Sorry, Hélena, we have to go. I think you are beautiful!" Aaron shouted as he ran, grabbing Clarence and Mylious and dragging them down an alley.

The stone bricks closed in on them as they ran until they reached the end where the train station was located. The wooden roof was wonky but had recently been repaired, so no one could complain. A sheet of white ice froze over the glass windows, and the woman sitting in the ticket office looked as if she had a wart farm on her face.

Yeah, no thanks. Let's just run, Aaron thought, glancing over at her. In the distance, he could see the intercity train. Aaron, Mylious and Clarence started to sprint like they had never sprinted before, with Guards shouting and screaming at them from behind.

The train blew its whistle and started to pull away from the station. Mylious's heart pounded, and his leg hurt from all the running he had had to do. However, he knew he was the only one who could reach the train and pull his friends aboard. With one final deep breath, he launched himself into a sprint, ran alongside the rolycoly powered train and took a leap of faith. His arm wrapped around the pole at the end of the train, and he leaned over the edge, extending a hand out to his friends, who were running as fast as they could with a trail of Lords and police behind them.

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