7. To Virto

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Sunday 2nd January 1966

The trees rustled in the woodland near Fehahra town as the ponyta shook her mane and lowered her horn, preparing for battle.

Erik heard footsteps behind him and spun around. A group of men in mareep woollen clothes came into the clearing, their bows and arrows drawn. Upon seeing Erik, they lowered their bows and gave him a thumbs-up. However, Erik's stomach churned a little.

"It's okay, Erik. They are just hunters. I think they heard the noise of your volcarona and wanted to check it out. Why don't you show them what you can do?" Lord De Jou said, relief in his voice that the hunters hadn't bowed to him, yet he knew they wouldn't. These hunters dare not bow or move in a manner which would make them vulnerable out here. I respect that.

"Lixin, use freeze-dry!" Erik called out in Elkrat at the top of his voice, and his volcarona started to flap his large blue wings, sending a chilling wave of air through the small clearing. The air struck against the trees surrounding the snow-white ponyta, leaving a thick layer of ice hanging from their bark. However, the ponyta seemed unfazed by his attempt and slid across the ice that was forming on the ground, using psychic to block the shards of ice that were hurtling her way from the volcarona's freeze-dry attack. Despite her best efforts, some of the shards struck her body and dried into clumps, scoring her through her fur.

Erik stood shocked as the sound from the ponyta's hooves changed into a sliding grating, getting louder and louder. Her horn was down, and she rushed towards the volcarona. When she was a mere metre away, she changed direction, slammed into the surprised Erik and knocked him into the hard, frozen, icy bark of a tree.

"Ouch." One of the hunters turned to the others. "I hope the Elkran have bone compaction like we do... or that's going to be bad."

"They do." Lord De Jou continued to watch Erik as he got himself back up. "Go on, Erik. You might be used to the mountains and the woods of Elktan, but the forests in Colran are a different story."

He's right, and I hate to admit it. The Colran Ruler is fucking right. The trees are closer together, meaning I'll have to cut off the escape myself, or at least try. I could draw my shield and... no... let's think about this... Erik paused.

"He should block off the escapes... er... let's see how do I tell him..." one of the hunters said.

Lord De Jou smiled at them, "Let's see if he can figure it out himself first. He will have to learn these things; it's just like combat, after all."

Erik glanced around at the woods again. "I... alright, Lixin use... What?! Yaow!" he shouted as her hooves slammed into his chest and battered him against the tree again. "Ugh... why? Fucking stomp on me." Erik sunk against the tree. "This is hopeless..." he muttered.

The tallest hunter, with his shaggy brown beard, came over to Erik and offered him a hand as the ponyta hung back. "I don't think he will learn unless he is told."

"Told what?" Erik asked.

"Your body is not a shield, so stop standing still. Move as you give an order. Look around you. There are trees everywhere. Now get back up and win, kid. Or is this the best Elktan has to offer?" The hunter raised an eyebrow as he finished speaking and stepped back.

Erik looked around him again as he stood up. The trees are my shield. I get it. Aaron would have gotten it instantly... but not me... am I just stupid? No. I have other talents. Erik grimaced from the pain as the ponyta readied herself again, looking slightly tired from the double attack on Erik and the pain on her sides. "Alright, let's do this." He clenched his fists excitedly, moving so the trees were between her and him. "Lixin, this time, use frozen storm!"

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