The match

17 1 0

Next day

I was having my match today. I haven't feeling too hot all day. I was in the back getting dressed.

15 minutes later
I heard my music. I walked out and went down to the ring. I got on the apron. Evan did a hand heart. I blew him a kiss. I got in the ring and looked at Eva. The bell rang.

She walked over and got in my face. I slapped her and pushed her. She pushed me on the mat. I looked at her. She said come on bitch. I got up and ran at her. She clotheslined me so hard I did a back flip. She pulled me up and did arm drags. Then clotheslined me. She got on top of me and started punching me. She got up. I pulled her leg out from under her. She fell on her back. I got on top of her, banged her head on the mat and started punching her. I pulled her up and did a German suplex. I pinned her 1...2..she kicked out. I said ugh. I got up, pulled her up and kneed her hard in the face. I grabbed her hair and threw her over the top rope. I got on the apron and waited for her to get up. I ran and did a hurricanna. I got up. I grabbed Eva, she went to push me into the ring post, I did a backflip off of it, turned around and kneed her in the temple. Cam said let's fucking go! Evan clapped. I threw her in the ring. I slid in, pulled her up, she kneed me in the stomach 4 times, my stomach was killing me. She slammed me on the ground and jumped on my stomach. I held my stomach and screamed. Eva said boohoo bitch. She pulled me up and did a back stabber. She pulled me up, and kicked me in the stomach. I know something isn't right with my stomach. Because it's never hurt this bad. She pulled me up, picked me up and did a gut check. I actually started crying. I grabbed the ropes and pulled myself out. I sat on my knees and held my stomach. Evan said Livy! Are you okay?! Eva grabbed me, pulled me up and kneed me in the stomach. I screamed. She picked me up and dropped me gut first onto the railing in front of Evan. I screamed GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! She pulled me up, banged my head on the steel steps and then hard on the railing. It knocked me out....

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