The Hospital

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Liv was beating the hell out of Chris and he was just taking it. Not fighting back or anything. His face was covered in blood. Andy said what the fuck is going on over here?! Ryan said he wanted her to do it. Andy said Liv! Liv got up and started stomping on Chris. She was about to stomp on his throat. Evan said woah! He grabbed her. Liv screamed LET ME GO! Ryan and Justin helped Evan hold her back. Chris looked bad. We got down and checked on him. He was knocked out. I said Chris, Chris, Chris. Ricky said we gotta get him to the hospital. Liv cried and screamed I HATE HIM! I FUCKING HATE HIM! Cam said Liv calm the fuck down! Kym walked over and said breathe. Liv took a deep breath and said what happened? I said you don't remember? Evan said let's go to the bus. They walked away. Alicia said she blacked out. Ricky lightly slapped Chris's face and said dude wake up. Chris groaned. Ryan said okay, he's alive at least. Chris said up. Vinny said that's an understatement. Chris sat up and tried to get up. Ricky and Vinny helped him up. They helped him to the bus. Chris looked in the mirror and said goddamn. Angela said what the hell happened? I gave him some paper towels. Ryan said Chris is a certified dumbass. He willingly let Liv beat him up. Angela said yep, you're a dumbass. Chris wiped his face and said holy shit, she's fucking violent as hell. I said well she blacked out. She doesn't remember doing that much damage. Like girl was literally about to kill you. Vinny said yeah, like she was about to stomp on your neck and actually end your life. Ricky said wanna take a guess who prevented her from killing you? I said I don't fucking know, my heads literally spinning and I have double vision right now. I said we need to get you to a hospital then. Alicia said yeah. Chris laid on the couch. I said you owe Evan a thank you by the way. Chris was about to pass out. I said not happening. I poured water on his face. Chris said fuck! Talitha! I said if you have a concussion you don't need to sleep. Justin started driving.

15 minutes later
We pulled up to the hospital. We all walked in the hospital with Chris. I grabbed a wheelchair for him. He sat in it. I wheeled him to the check in desk. He checked in. Chris laughed. Ryan said what are you laughing at? Vinny said the fact that a 19 year old girl kicked your ass? Chris said we all look fucking crazy right now. Nobody changed or wiped off their makeup. We stick out like sore thumbs right now. Chris laid his head back. Ricky said hey dumbass no relaxing. Chris said bro I just got my ass kicked and am in pain. Alicia said well you offered for her to do it and that you wouldn't fight back. Again you're a dumbass. I said especially since you just saw what she did to Steph De Lander yesterday. Justin said idiot. Chris said can y'all stop? We've established I'm an dumbass already. A nurse walked out and said Cerulli? I said let's go captain dumbass. Chris said I hate you. I said yeah, yeah.

1 hour later
They cleaned and bandaged Chris's face where Liv messed him up pretty bad. Vinny and Ricky have been making fun of him the whole time and taking pictures and videos of him. Kym said I swear y'all are children. Ricky said not everyday you see a 6'3, 37 year old, grown ass man get beat up by a 5'3, 19 year old girl and this be the outcome. Chris flipped them off and said fuck you. A doctor came in and said so, I looked at all the scans and you have a severe concussion, an orbital bone fracture and a broke nose. All of those will heal on their own but they are gonna take some time to heal. Chris said I'm currently on tour. I'm the lead singer of a metal band. Am I gonna be able to preform? The doctor said you need to take a week off. All of these aren't gonna heal in a week. But you need to rest and recover. Do you mind me asking what happened? Chris said my daughter and I have been at each other's throats and I felt awful for what I did. So I told her she could beat me up and get her anger out. The doctor said your daughter did this? Did she use brass knuckles or something? Vinny said no. The doctor said did she use any weapons? Ricky and Vinny snickered. Justin said no. The doctor said okay, well you need to take a week off and relax. Y'all need to keep an eye on him. If he gets worse or anything that becomes concerning bring him back to the hospital. I said we will. The doctor said the nurse will be in with your discharge papers shortly. He walked out. I said the look on his face when you said she didn't use any sort of weapon. He totally thinks you're a wimp. Chris said I'm never gonna live this down. Ryan said oh no, never gonna happen. Ricky said I'll book an air bnb for the week. Alicia said we get to relax and chill. The nurse walked in and gave Chris discharge papers and we left....

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