Claw vs Lila

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Adrien glared at Lila who was trapped in Ladybug's yo-yo, "Now they can see we are both not human"

"This is incredible" Alya kept recording.

"Alya! Now is not the time to record them!" Nino said.

"You think I care?! Humans are always gullible and easily to get fooled! They can't resist to hear what they wanna hear!" Lila morphed into a gigantic monstrous fox.

"Plagg claws out!" Adrien transformed into Claw Noir.

The monstrous fox smashed through the roof, causing glass and debris to fall on the people. Claw Noir gasped at the scene before using his super speed for time and space to slow down while he was moving at normal speed. He moved everyone including Ladybug away from the debris. Felix was nearly slowly about to be crushed by the debris but got moved away at the last second. Getting everyone out of there before time resumed.

"Felix, get everyone out!" Claw Noir said before hearing an explosion from the building, "Like now! And find Marinette! Make sure she's safe!"

"Got it!" Felix ran to get everyone out.

"Why didn't you tell me she can do that?!" Ladybug asked.

"I thought you knew witches could do that," Claw Noir said.

"I don't! But that is far much dark magic shit she's using!" Ladybug swung to stop that monstrous fox from destroying the city.

"Let's stop her, Milady!" Claw Noir followed.

"You need blood. You're looking pale. You landed on wine to weaken you" Ladybug said.

"There isn't much time! Lila is on the loose and innocent lives are at stake!" Claw Noir did not have time to argue.

"You're at stake here! If you fight now, you'll get killed. Tikki, spots off!" Ladybug detransformed, to tell the truth to him, "I'm your princess the entire time! I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you were not interested in both sides of me! Both of me fell in love with you but I didn't want you to think I'm a liar like that bitch! I'm nothing like her and I know how much she ruined your life, kitty!" Marinette sobs.

Knowing there's no time to argue, Claw Noir just smiled and hugged her, "I would have loved you regardless. I inspired you to be a real hero and I admire your bravery"

"You're not pissed?" Marinette thought he would be so pissed at her.

"Why would I be pissed off at you? You're special" He said.

"Heh, special that when we first met, I kicked your ass" Marinette chuckled.

"And proves how strong you are that you showed no fear of me. We'll talk about this later. You're right, I need blood to stay strong. This time, I need your blood of courage. With your permission" Claw Noir said with polite manners rather than use force.

"You need it more than anything, Kitty" Marinette bares her neck.

"You need it too to live," Claw Noir said before baring his fangs and bites carefully on her neck, never wanting to hurt her.

Marinette moaned as he drank her blood. Claw Noir has never turned anyone because he never injects venom for a victim to die and then become undead as a vampire. He would never do that to her because she has her life ahead to continue and he never wants her to suffer eternally like he did. No innocent life should ever be taken. He needs to focus without getting addicted to blood cravings again or he would end up draining her.

"There, that should do" He pulls off her.

"Now let's hurry. That bitch is insane like a psycho! We need to get her to turn back before she destroys Paris! Tikki, spots on!" She transformed back to Ladybug.

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