Rising tensions (part 3)

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Cw: for throwing up from too much alcohol in the later parts of the chapter.

Marinette had become restless.

She knew what was going on below deck. Maybe not the explicit details, but she knew there was no way Adrien wasn't going to take full advantage of Luka being half naked and soaked after what happened at the last party.

She found herself in a weird situation, she understood she had no control over other peoples sexualities. But she also felt this sense of betrayal in a way, that her ex who she was on ok terms with had gone and fucked her crush. Once? But weird but maybe she could look past it. One night stands happen sometimes right? And they can mean nothing. But now it was known that Adrien and Luka were at the very least friend with benefits or straight up just dating although they hadn't said it outright.

She was torn, the Angel on her shoulder was telling her 'you can't un-gay someone, you just got some bad luck and fell for a guy who prefers boys. Move on' but the devil on her shoulder was screaming 'HE'S MINE! I LIKED HIM FIRST! BACK OFF, YOU'RE MY EX!'

She wasn't blind to the tension in the group around Adrien because of her dilemma too, her fiends wanted to support her but they also wanted Adrien to choose who he wanted. It'd caused some... friction. And not the good kind.

So the knowledge that the two were more than likely all up on each other down in the cabin was making her bug out a little, and it wasn't going unnoticed.

"You look like you've seen a ghost Mari, what's up?" Alya said, coming to sit next to her.

"Nothing..." she replied.

"Lies. What's up?"

Damn her and her investigative journalism perception.

"It's just... you know what they're probably doing down there..." she sighed in frustration.

"Girl, I get that it's a bit awkward, but it's been months at this point. You can't stay hung up on this forever, if Adrien was a boy kisser this whole time it's not like things would have worked out anyway. You'll find someone new, someone perfect for you. There's boys... and some girls too, practically salivating at the idea of a chance with you" Alya explained.

Again Marinette sighed in frustration, unable to put her thoughts to words for a moment.

"But they're not Adrien"

"Think of it this way... would you really want to kiss someone who's had your ex's dick in their mouth?" Alya said, admittedly a little tipsy so her explanation wasn't the best. But the message still came across.

"I mean no but..." Marinette said.

"See? You'll get over it eventually. Don't think about it tonight, it's a party. Have a drink, a dance and hey maybe kiss someone to take your mind off it"

It was easier said than done, but she knew she couldn't really do anything about it. So she took a cup and started to drink, hoping it'd get her mind off things.

Although her suspicions about what was going on down in the cabin were right, once Luka was dry Adrien had gotten to work warming him up alright. Against the door of Luka's room, just in case anyone tried to come in, they'd be blocking the door from opening. Most of their encounters had been full sessions, but they couldn't take too long this time. So Luka had Adrien down on his knees, leaning against the wall to keep his legs steady the way they trembled from the sheer work Adrien was putting into this blowjob.

He seemed to have a knack for it actually, he was somehow really good at it despite having had no experience before Luka. Luka has to resist the urge to thrust down his throat, not wanting to choke him. But fuck, Adrien was good at this. Luka practically had an iron grip on his hair, something he's found a few hookups ago that Adrien was guilty of liking a bit, hair pulling.

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