Rising tensions (part 1)

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A/n: had an idea for a follow up to the muffled music oneshots, so while you can read this without reading those two, it does help.

Ever since that party, things has been a bit strange. Not with Luka of course, things couldn't be better with him. They'd hooked up several times now, gotten to the point where friendship has turned to friends with benefits and was teetering on the edge of an actual relationship.

But at school, amongst the friend group. Things seemed oddly tense. At first Adrien just thought it was stress from upcoming graduation, but as the weeks ticked by it became clear that wasn't it.

Maybe it was because everyone was sober now, and they were looking back at the things they did while drunk and cringing at it. There were some absolutely awful dance moves at that party after all. But Adrien noticed that the girls, aside from Rose and Juleka seemed a bit... distant. The boys not so much, but a few of them were. Nino assured him it'd all blow over eventually, that everyone had sobered up now and was just gathering themselves after half of them suffered a wicked hangover. But Adrien felt like he was just trying to make him feel better, that even Nino didn't really know what was up but wanted to comfort him anyway.

Then it dawned on him, everyone knew what he and Luka had done.

At first he cringed, the sudden realisation that the whole class knew he was no longer a virgin setting in. Then he decided that it didn't matter, because half the group weren't as well. Then he connected the dots and realised that it wasn't the fact everyone knew he'd been hooking up with Luka... it was the fact Luka was Marinettes ex.

He recalled overhearing a conversation between the girls last year that said 'ex boyfriends are off limits' something to do with the girl code. Although he wasn't a girl, so why did it matter? It's not like he or Luka could control their sexualities.

But now he had a feeling he knew what the issue was, but he didn't know exactly what to do about it. He wasn't going to stop his relationship with Luka, he'd never been happier because of him. But he also didn't want this weird tension in the group to keep hanging in the air.

"Dude, you're overthinking it" Nino said.

"No I'm serious! I think they're uncomfortable with the fact I'm hooking up with Marinette's ex. Something about ex's being off limits" Adrien replied.

Nino had only ever been with Alya, and they'd been together since year 9 so it was a long term and probably the only relationship they'd ever be in if the future looked good for them. So he'd never run into the ex debacle. But when he thought about it, he realised Adrien may be right.

"Well... I mean I guess if the ex was an asshole then sure, valid to be mad. But Luka is like, the nicest one in the group? Why would they be pissed when the breakup was a mutual anyway?" Nino said.

"I don't know, I was hoping you'd know" Adrien replied.

"I've never had an ex dude, I dunno. Maybe they're just salty you got the bomb dick and they didn't" Nino teased.

Adrien kicked him under the table for that one, only making his best friend laugh. Adrien was easy to tease, everyone loved to do it.

"It was pretty bomb" he muttered.

"I still want the details man"

"That's very gay of you" Adrien snickered.

"I don't need to be gay to know Luka is hot, I have eyes that can see"

Well, that was true. You can always look at the menu even if you can't order. Nino seemed to just like the gossip really, no matter how gay it was.

"But seriously, details" Nino said, giving Adrien a playful glare.

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