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A/n: JFC this is the 100th chapter of this book. Like sure I've been running it for a while now but damn. Anyway, spicy warning.

The good thing about having a model boyfriend was the fact he knew how to pose and get good lighting in even a mere selfie. Adrien always looked good in pictures, and he always made sure the people he was with looked good in pictures. He'd tell them the best way to pose to show off an outfit or their makeup and hair, and where to face for the best lighting etc.

So safe to say receiving... intimate pictures from him was a real treat. Although Luka couldn't do much about that right now because he was on public transport. He opened the message thinking it was a meme, as per usual. But he thanked the gods above he was sat at the back with no one around him when he opened the message. Because damn they'd have gotten an eyeful.

But fuck, the way the sun from the window shone down on Adrien, the way his fluffy hair glowed with the rays. His skin, bare was flawless and smooth, just begging to be touched. Sat before the full body mirror in his room, in nothing but thigh socks. Clearly quite... exited.

Luka felt his cheeks burn, his heart race. How did Adrien manage to make fucking nudes look like a damn renaissance painting? Clearly he wanted pics back, but Luka's hands were tied at the moment. So he messaged back.

Luka: babe I am on the TRAIN
Luka: you're so lucky there's no one behind me to look over my shoulder

Adrien: aww, no pics?

Luka: not until I'm home

Adrien: don't worry I'll make sure you're ready for that :)

So this is what he was doing now they'd left school? Sitting pretty all day thinking lewd thoughts? Not that Luka would complain... but it did dawn on him that now they didn't have school or any jobs for the summer holiday before university season started, Adrien had all this free time to tease the shit out of him. Something he quite liked to do apparently- ding! Another picture.

Luka glanced up from his phone to make sure no one could potentially see, before opening it and feeling his heart skip a beat.

That was... certainly a pose. Being Cat Noir certainly had its perks in making him strong and flexible. Again, full display in the mirror, eager and waiting. Luka knew his boyfriend, he'd be a good boy and wait until he got pics back. Or... until he got ordered to get started.

Luka: fuck
Luka: you're making me hard in public
Luka: you brat

Adrien: looks like you'll just have to hurry home then :)

Luka: I'm 3 stops away, get started.

Adrien: then pics?

Luka: better, I'll video call you

He watched the text bubble pop up, bouncing around while Adrien typed. Luka sighed in frustration shifting in his seat trying to get comfortable again. He was wearing his loose Tripp pants today, so he didn't really have to worry about being seeing anything... but it's still rather uncomfortable just sitting there hard and unable to touch. That sneaky alley cat... he probably planned this didn't he? He knew Luka would me out all morning and getting home by the afternoon.

Ding! A new message.

A video.

Oh fuck- was he really going to open this in public? His headphones were plugged in... again he glanced around, seeing less people on the train now a few stops had passed. Just to be safe he shifted his phone closer to him, lowered the brightness and then paused his music he was listening to, lowered the volume just in case. Then, he hit play.

Immediately his headphones were full of gentle whimpers and gasps, his name muttered under the blondes breath. Luka watched intently, getting more and more restless, eager to just get home already and get these damn pants off. His gaze followed Adrien's perfectly manicured fingers up and down his body, varying substances making his skin slick and shining in the sun. Good lord, he was practically leaking...

Luka bit the inside of his lip, trying to hold himself back and seem as inconspicuous as possible. His texting a bit rushed and overwhelmed.

Luka: you mother fucker

Adrien: hard yet?


Adrien: :)

Luka: don't you ':)' me brat
Luka: you planned this

Adrien: it's fun to rile you up

Luka was about ready to put this pretty little kitty in his place, now he realised this was no random blessing of pictures but a planned attack. And he impulsively decided, fuck it. He's staying on this train for one more stop... the one nearest to Adrien's house. And he's sneaking in there and telling him off in person.

Luka: open your window
Luka: you're not getting away with this

Adrien: in person? Even better than pics!

Luka: you need to be taught a damn lesson kitty

Adrien: guilty as charged I guess
Adrien: I'll be waiting :)

Those fucking smiley faces... Luka just knew he was snickering and giggling at the screen knowing how much he'd riled his boyfriend up. Luka turned off his phone, putting it away for now and got off at the next station, just off in the near distance a few streets away he could see the roof of Adrien's house and the window to his room cracked open ever so slightly.

He wasn't getting away with this little stunt. As much as the works of art that we're his pictures were appreciated, that bratty attitude needed some work. Oh well, Luka had all afternoon.

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