Rising tensions (part 2)

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Sometimes Adrien thought he should find something sentimental but also mega fancy and expensive to gift to Nathalie for the amount of times she'd smooth talked Gabriel into agreeing to something he usually wouldn't. Because Adrien had zero idea how she managed to let him attend that party a few months back and now let him stay out until the early hours of the next morning with the band and a few others. It wasn't anything too special, just a little pre-graduation get together on the houseboat. Play some music, hang out... maaayybe a little bit of drinking. Responsibly of course, Anarka be a chill mum but she also didn't want any teens throwing up vodka on her boat.

The other boats on the docks had some similar parties going on, many of the graduates of the year also celebrating over the long weekend. So up and down the docks there were groups of people playing music and hanging around.

Somehow, a game slightly tipsy of truth or dare had broken out on the deck of the boat, everyone sat in a circle and using an empty bottle as a spinner. Whoever it landed on had to be the recipient of a truth or dare by whoever spun it. So far things had been rather tame, but as these games tend to do, it was slowly getting wilder.

"Rose, truth or dare?" Alya asked.

"I know better than to pick dare from you. Truth" she replied.

"Hmm... what were your honest, completely unfiltered first thoughts on Juels when you met?"

A series of teasing 'ooohhhh's came her way, to which she rolled her eyes and playfully groaned at everyone.

"Completely honestly... she kind of intimidated me" she admitted.

"What?! How his Juleka of all people intimidating?" Luka laughed.

"Yeah I second that, how can you look at wrecked with social anxiety 14 year old me and think I'm scary?" Juleka added.

Rose just shrugged, snickering told herself.

"I don't know, maybe the emo fringe and never talking to anyone? I wondered if you just hated everyone or something. Turns out you're just a shy goth and actually very cute" Rose explained.

It was pretty sweet actually, going from a little intimidated to absolutely smitten for someone.  Although Juleka couldn't really disagree when she heard that explanation, she did come off as very cagey back then. Rose reached in, spun the bottle to see who was next. It landed on Nino.

"You're going to pick dare aren't you?" She said.

"Duh, I'm no pussy. Hit me" Nino replied.

"Alright... I dare yoouuu- take a sourpuss shot. ALL flavoured mixed together"

Nino cringed slightly, but he wasn't going to back down. Alya was quick to get up and pour the lemon, grapefruit and sour grape flavours together, in an unholy concoction of sour liquor. She handed the glass to her boyfriend, who looked at it with a dissatisfied look. But the group were persistent and he was no pussy, as they chanted for him to take the shot, he threw it back down his throat and immediately cringed at the taste, smacking his hand against the deck and coughing at the flavour.

"Ugh- sHIT- Dionysus take the wheel" he complained.

"Ayyyy that's not going to make you feel sick tomorrow at all!" Alya joked.

"Rose you devil"

Rose just giggled, shrugged. He took the dare! She just suggested it. After a moment of Nino choking on the sour alcohol mix and chugging water to drown the taste away, he was determined to make the next person to pick dare suffer a worse fate. He spun the bottle, and it landed on Luka.

"Uh oh" Luka laughed.

"Truth or dare emo boy" Nino asked.

"... Dare"

Again, a series of 'oooohhh's from the group. He was crazy to pick a dare from Nino. For a moment he sat and thought about what to dare him, looking around for ideas. When his gaze passed by Adrien sitting next to him, he suddenly got an idea. How about not just make Luka regret picking dare... but tease his best bro a little.

"Jump in the water... naked" Nino dared.

Immediate reaction from the group, not only was the water freezing this time of year but the real question was, is Luka willing to strip in front of people for this?

"Dude are you trying to make my dick fall off? It's freezing" Luka laughed.

"Fine, keep your boxers on then. Fair enough let's not loose our dicks here. But dare still stands" Nino replied.

Luka thought for a moment, but ultimately decided that he'd take the dare. He was no pussy. He got up, to the cheers of the group that he was going through with it. As he pulled his jumper and shirt off, Nino leaned over to Adrien.

"You're welcome by the way" he teased.

"Shhh-" Adrien replied, playfully smacking him away.

"Come on you wanna see him soaking wet in barely anything"

"I've already tasted this man's dick, not like I haven't seen-" Adrien began, under his breath.

"But not soaking wet" Nino said.


Shedding of the last of his clothes, aside from underwear, Luka climbed over the boats railing and looked into the water, mentally preparing for the cold plunge.

"One of you better get me a towel, I'm not staying in longer than I have to" Luka said.

"Yeah yeah, Adrien get him a towel after this, now jump!" Nino replied.

And again with the chanting, this time it wasn't 'shots!' It was 'jump!' And so, he jumped. Into the freezing water he went, the cold sending immediate shivers up his spine and goosebumps to his skin. Now having seen him go through with it, Adrien rolled his eyes and turned to head into the cabin to get the dumbass a towel. Luka broke back up to the surface and couldn't contain his reaction.

"Holy fUCKING SHIT-" he yelped, much to the amusement of the group. And to Adrien who could hear it from the cabin.

Quickly he scrambled out of the water, soaking and shivering. But he did the dare, and he was indeed, no pussy.

"Woo! Legend didn't back out!" Nino cheered.

"Bit cold is it?" Juleka teased.

"Oh shut up- you can have my turn I need to dry off before I get frostbite" Luka said.

Luka grabbed his clothes, headed downstairs into the cabin where Adrien had pulled out a towel for him and tossed it to him in exchange for his clothes.

"Dumbass" Adrien laughed.

"I don't back down to dares, even from Nino" Luka replied, wrapping himself in the towel.

"Dick fall off?"

"Luckily for you, no. But shit it's cold as fuck"

Adrien couldn't help it, Nino was right he totally did want to see Luka soaking wet. Because he wasn't being subtle about checking him out with his hair stuck to his skin, thin fabric of his boxers soaked and clinging to the outline of his body. Water dripping down his chest and abdomen.

"Ooh, I see. He set that up for you didn't he?" Luka asked, noticing Adrien's staring.

"Hey I didn't ask him to. He just... knows me well I guess" Adrien replied.

Luka stepped toward him, cold hand grabbing his chin and tilting his head up to look at him.

"You know what would warm me up real quick?" He teased.

"It'd be obvious, if we're both down here a longer than average amount of time" Adrien replied.

"That didn't stop us in the car the first time"

Adrien wasn't sure what it was with him and getting freaky at parties, but apparently he liked the thrill of it. Maybe it was the fact he was so sheltered his whole life, this felt like an act of rebellion. Adrien glanced up the stairs, the group still sitting in the circle laughing over dares. They couldn't be too long... but maybe something quick and easy to warm Luka up wouldn't be too bad...

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