schedule errors

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Summary: Shelby and Kath talk, and a week later the twins and Sausage pay her a visit while she’s baking cookies, don’t worry….not all of the cookies end up burnt

“you should stay over again sometime, Saturday was…nice” Shelby started off as she was making dinner, “Saturday morning was to….it was nice just relaxing with you”

Katherine hummed in response, her head resting on her arms at the dining room table

she’d had a very busy week and a half since then, had to cancel a date with Shelby last Friday, and missed an outing with the kids she said she’d come to….but was unable to due to a stupid meeting yesterday, today was Friday

luckily it was Friday, and she didn’t think she had any more meetings for a while, at least…she hoped not she let too tired to do anything else regarding trades or laws

“It was, sorry I haven’t been around I’m just….super busy this week” Katherine sighed, Shelby fondly sighed and put some tea next to her

“yeah, I know” Shelby sighed, “you’re overworking yourself; I don’t know for what and you don’t have to tell me, but you better be taking care of yourself, I don’t need a half dead monster slayer on my porch again”

Katherine gave a tired chuckle, “in my defense I was tired, it was like, 3am, and I was losing a lot of blood”

“that’s the problem love” Shelby responded fondly

Katherine rolled her eyes playfully, then frowned as her com went off, she looked down at the notification from her calendar

She sighed, rubbing her forehead

She looked at Shelby happily humming away and internally groaned, of course she had one last meeting today

“hey, babe, I’m gonna have to go” she said, getting up

Shelby stopped, blushing form the new name before realizing what she said

“wha- Kath come on, you literally came here 4 hours ago….and have been asleep for 3 of those hours! I do NOT know how you slept through Tortoise chasing Oli throughout the house then cornering him outside by the lake, so he had to jump in! then he ran in all wet and I had to grab a towel and shout for him” Shelby said with a sigh at the end

“can’t you just cancel or something?” she asked turning to face her

“I…not really” Katherine said with a nervous, sad, laugh

“ah….you know you should really get someone else to schedule meetings, so you don’t have a meeting at 8pm” Shelby said checking the time

“ugh, yeah, I know my schedules is a mess, anyone else that I work with though is already busy” She said with a sigh, glaring at the table thinking about her advisors

Always ‘Katherine does this’ ‘you should do that’ ‘you need to make a meeting with this trade company’ ‘actually I already did it it’s at 8pm’ ‘here’s anew policy idea’ blah blah blah blah

Sure, sometimes they helped but most were just pricks how wanted to make benefits for people like them and every meeting with them was just them repeating facts and stuff she already knew; giving their opinions and sometimes making unwanted suggestions, which could cause fighting

She didn’t pass 95% of those ideas and didn’t have to

But still.

Just listening was a chore, really she should yell more at them, that always seems to get the court in order and meetings done faster

insomnia landed me with 2 kids(mama Witch Au empires S2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ