#CSLY prt2

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Mirical POV: I ran down the hall because I saw a door closing. I opened it and Justin stood there. it looked lik he was crying

Me: baby are u ok?

Justin: get away from me

Me: bae r u mad about wat rashod said?

Justin:*turns away*

Me:*wraps my arms around his waist and lays my head on his chest* u knoe I love u why would I sleep with him? and he's jasmine's ex I would never do tht to her

Justin: but u would do it to me

Me: no never in my life Justin

Justin: I need time to think

Me: Justin listen to me. I love u and only u. yes we are in high school and kids say they love everyone but I love u. I've had good boyfriends and bad. but ur the one I really love. if ur still mad at me then ill do anything to get u unmad at me. I'm sorry if u feel lik I cheated on u but I didn't

Justin: unmad isn't a word stupid

Me: so u forgive me?

Justin:*picks me up* of course I do angel

Me:*pecks his lips* now for me to get mu sister back

Justin: first lunch

Me: no first jasmine

Justin: do u realize I'm the one holding u up?

Me: yes...

Justin:*throws me over his shoulder* so we going to lunch

Me:*laughing* bae come on

Justin:*walks into the hallway* so pizza? subway? McDonalds? Chinese?

Me: jasmine? go back and find her? put me down? u have a nice ass?

Justin: wat was tht last part?

Me: um nothing

Justin: no tell me*goes outside the school*

Me: um...I said we can eat last

Justin: since u wont pick we're going to subway

Me: plz plz plz she's gonna think I don't care

Justin: if she thinks tht then ill explain to her it was my fault

Me:*sighs* ok can u put me down? ppl are starting to stare

Justin: let them stare idc

Me: wat am I going to do with u?

Justin: love me

I was on his shoulder for forever. we walked all the way to subway lik this. finally he put me down and the whole line was staring at us. I hid behind him because Im shy and don't lik to be embarrassed. I saw someone familiar on the line.....MOM! crap she doesn't knoe about me and Justin. I pulled him to the side so she couldn't see us

Me: bae my moms here and she doesn't knoe about us

Justin: we'll tell her now then. ill go get ur food wat do u want?

Me:*sighs* a blt on Italian bred with Mayo

Justin:*kisses my forehead* ok*goes on line*

I sat down at a table and he started talking to my mom.....she looked at me first with a glare then with a smile. I then noticed she had Jacob with her. he saw me and went crazy. I smiled and waved.

About 20 min later they came and sat next to me.

Bahja: hey baby

Me: hi mommy

CHAPTER 2 OF "The After Show"Where stories live. Discover now