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Mirical POV: two days later I woke up still sore from two days ago. I just got up took a shower brushed my teeth and put on a pair of sweats and one of r.js hoodies. then walked to my school. it hasn't stopped

Random person: ewww it lives

Random person: go away nobody likes u!

Random person: go hang ur self plz

Random person: take my advice...die!

I just walked to my locker and put my books in. then Kyane met me half way down the hall to class

Kyane: hey boo

Me: hi

Kyane: wats wrong?

Me: wat isn't wrong?!

Kyane: look just ignore it

Me: I can't KY!

Kyane: look don't yell at me! it's not my fault!

Me: I'm sorry

Kyane: its ok

Someone pushed me into a locker. I hit my head on a lock. I just brushed it off even tho it hurt lik crazy. then I saw a poster it was a picture of me and it said: PAY ME $2 AND ILL DO WAT EVER U WANT ME TO DO

Random person: haha hey mirical I need a new phone come to my house after school!

I ran to the bathroom and began crying. wen I ran in some girls saw me and started pushing me around. I hit my head a couple of times. then they dragged me to the boys bathroom and pushed me in. I fell on my face giving me a bloody nose. but someone helped me up and gave me tissue

???: u ok? u took a nasty fall

Me: yea I'm I'm ok

he was gorgeous!

???: I'm Ryan and u are?

Me: mirical

Ryan: thts a pretty name

Me: thanks

Ryan: want me to take u to the nurse?

Me: no ill manage

Ryan: ok see u around

He walked out and so did I. Kyane was standing right there waiting for me.

Kyane: are u ok?!

Me: yes I'm fine

Kyane: let's get u to the nurse

I saw Ryan look back he smiled and waved. I waved back

Kyane: got u a new boo thang? wat happened to Malik?

Me: my parents happened to Malik

Kyane: details plz

Me: well u already knew he was abusive to me but r.j set him straight

Kyane: great! so now u have a new man

Me: no he's just a friend

Kyane: yea right

Me: really....he is

Kyane: no I can tell wen u lik someone ur eyes have tht glow

Me: they're always lik this...

Kyane: wats his name?

Me: Ryan

Kyane: Ryan!!!

He turned around and she waved for him to come to us.

CHAPTER 2 OF "The After Show"Where stories live. Discover now