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Bahja POV:

Me: niq niq plz

Zonnique:*looks at me with tears in her eyes* how could u?

Me: zonnique it was an accident I swear

Zonnique:*runs out*

I followed her to our table she was crying and screaming at Jay and picking up Lyndell

Jay: it was an accident! u told her!?

Me: I had too

Lyndell: mommy where are we going?

Me: zonnique don't do tht to him he doesn't have to be in the middle of this

Zonnique:*gets in my face and covers Lyndells ear* don't u ever talk to me ever again I hate ur f****** guts I hope u die someday. our kids will never be family and I never wanna see u again b***

I started to cry

Me: zonnique plz! it was an accident!

Zonnique:*takes lyndell outside*

Manny: um explain?

Jay: u told zonnique now I tell him*turns to Manny* me and ur lil "loyal wife" we kissed

Manny:*gives me a " really?" look and jumps out his seat*

Me: I'm sorry it was an accident! u have to understand

Manny: how is tht an accident?


Me:*getting dressed*

Jay:*walks in my room and sees me* oh my bad I was looking for niq

Me: actually can u help me?

Jay: yea wat?

Me: fix this strap?*holding up my bra strap*

Jay: u sure u don't want me to get the girls?

Me: no silly just pull it back

Jay:*comes behind me and fixes the strap* there u go

Me:*turns around* thanks

Jay:*smiles* ur welcome

Me:*looks into his eyes*

Jay:*looks into mine and leans in to kiss me*

Me:*doesn't protest and kisses him*

Jay:*pulls away quickly*


Jay: bahja I'm sorry I didn't mean for tht to happen

Me: I am too just tell nobody

Jay: nobody

Me: now get out before zonnique comes looking for u

End of flashback

Me:*tells them everything*

Manny: bahja...are u serious?

Me: Manny u and I both knoe I love u more than anything in this world. u have to belive me it was an accident I just got caught up in the moment with him and...idk it just happened! plz Manny belive me u know I only love u

Manny:*looks at me*

I guess he saw tht I was telling the truth and sat back down and nodded

Jay: Manny man u knoe I have no feelings for anyone but zonnique and would never do tht to u


Then I realized everyone was staring at us I guess bre saw too

Bre: do we look lik the circus? no so mind y'all business dang

Me: Jay plz go after zonnique

He got up and left we finished our food and went back home. we had to squeeze in the car because zonnique took the other car. once we got home I saw Lyndell on the couch crying and no sight of zonnique or Jay but u heard them screaming from upstairs

Me: Lyndell baby stop crying*picks him up and holds him*

Lyndell: y are mommy and daddy fighting?

Me: something happened but don't worry

Zonnique:*comes out* IM SICK OF U!

Jay:*following* U KNOE WAT FINE!

Lyndell: Mommy Daddy stop!

Zonnique: y are u holding him!?*takes Lyndell from me*

Me: I was consoling him while u were being mad about nothing

Zonnique:*pushes me to the couch*

Me:*holds my head* ouch! u lil....ugh!

Mirical: mommy r u ok?

Me:*nods* yes I'm fine

Manny: zonnique u have to understand it was an accident I belive her y can't u?

Zonnique: because she always had a thing for Jay ever since we met

Me: not true! I knew u loved him y would I do tht to u?!


Me: exactly

I noticed bre and r.j and Deshon were gone but I just ignored it

Zonnique: I have to think

Me: zonnique yes I know it was wrong but it was an accident I have no feelings for Jay at all. he's all urs I don't want him I was in the moment and so was he. I would never hurt u on purpose never in my life. zonnique ur my sister and y would I want to hurt u? I wouldn't

Zonnique:*looks down and fixes Lyndell on her hip*

Even tho her words hurt I forgave her quick because I understood her point of view

Zonnique: fine I forgive u

Me: thank u

Bre POV: me and r.j slipped out the room and I put Deshon to bed too

Me:*in bed with r.j playing with his curls*

R.j: I love u

Me: I love u too and I need to tell u something

R.j: wat?

Me:*starts singing I'm ready by Alicia keys*

R.j: wat?

Me: r.j I'm pregnant

R.j: u are?!


R.j:*kisses me* thts great babe how long u knew?

Me: since before we left

R.j:*hugs me tight*

He took tht well

CHAPTER 2 OF "The After Show"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz