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Bahja POV: as we waited in the emergency room to see if Ryan was ok mirical began feeling sick. she went to the bathroom to throw up bre went with her. Jacob was sleep and zonnique was holding him. r.j came running in after I called him.

R.j: is he ok?

Me: Ryan or Jacob

R.j: my son of course*takes Jacob from zonnique*

Jacob:*wakes up*

R.j: u ok lil man? did anyone hurt u?*kisses hid forehead*

Me: u could've at least asked about Ryan

R.j: idgaf about him right now

Me: thts miricals boyfriend

R.j: and?! he put our daughter and son in danger

Me: how?

R.j: Malik is his cousin bahja who knows maybe they're planning something against mirical

Me: ur crazy

R.j: ur acting lik u don't care about her!

Me: I do!

Zonnique: here comes the doctor! shut up the both of u or else

the doctor walked over to us and had a sorry look on his face...not good

Me: is he alright?

Doctor: yes...and no

Me: can u explain?

Doctor: he has memory lost

Me: wat does he remember?

Doctor: I honestly don't know

Me: can we see him?

Doctor:*nods* room 421

We went to Ryan's room I texted bre.

Me: y'all need to come to room 421

Brebaby: is he ok?

Me: memory lost don't tell her yet

Brebaby: ok I wont she's seriously throwing up now. so bad she's crying

Me: I'm omw

I told them I would be back and went to the bathroom. I heard crying and groaning. I saw bre standing outside a open stall. I walked over to them

Me: r u ok?

Mirical:*holding her stomach crying* no mommy my stomach feels lik the babies r having madigra I'm my stomach

Me: u want me to get a nurse?

Mirical: don't leave me*throws up again*

Bre: ill go*leaves*

Me:*bends down and holds her hair*

Mirical: is Ryan ok?

Me: um...baby he..he has memory lost

Mirical: wat!? wat does he remember?

Me: idk...he isn't awake

Mirical: this is my fault

Me: no its not

Mirical:*starts crying harder*

Me: stop it ur gonna hurt the baby

Mirical: I can't lose him mommy

Me: u wont sweetie

Mirical: and ma...it's twins

Me: twins!? as in two babies?


Me: I can't freak out now but ok

A nurse came in. she took mirical to a room and hooked this machine to her. I stayed with her while bre went to get me the 411 on Ryan. I held her hand as she kept throwing up in a bucket. she finally fell asleep about 2 hours later.

Bre said Ryan was dead.

CHAPTER 2 OF "The After Show"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora