Wats love got to do with it?

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Zonnique POV: me and Jay are on our way to pick up Lyndell from school. it was 11:30 he got in trouble...again. idk y he's been in so much trouble lately

Principals office

Principal: well as u knoe Lyndell has been acting up lately and today...well today during lunch he was running around chasing girls. one girl started well Idk wat she was doing I've never seen it before

Me: wat wad she doing Lyndell?

Lyndell: grindin on me

Principal: one teacher saw it and accused him of sexual harassment and he cursed him out and walked out of the class room

Jay: would u lik to explain?

Lyndell: I really don't care

Me: u don't care?

Lyndell: no I can't wait till I'm out of this piece of s*** school

Jay: just wait till I get home with u..just wait lil boy


Me: we'll deal with him at home

Principal: and he is suspended for a month and will have detention every day till the end of the school year which is in 2 months

Me: ok thank you

We got up and left. wats gotten into Lyndell??? once we got into the car Jay started screaming.

Wen we got home Jay took Lyndell into his room and I guess beat him. Lyndell about 40 min later came back holding back tears and sat at the dinner table where I was on my phone

Me: yes?

Lyndell: dad told me to sit here

Me: so explain y this lil girl was grindin on u?

Lyndell: first she wasn't she bumped into me and I made a joke and held her down. the teacher saw and started screaming at me. I got up and left because she said some hurtful things to me.

Me: wat did he say?

Lyndell: tht I would either grow up in the streets dead or in jail. and tht I was good for nothing

Me: she said tht?

Lyndell: yes I basically got in trouble for nothing

Me: Jay!

He came down red I guess with anger

Jay: wat?*sits down*

Me: I just found out tht our son did nothing to deserve any of this

Jay: wat are u talkin about?

Me: he told me it was a joke and his teacher was really disrespectful

Jay: is this true?


Jay: well ur mother will go up to the school and I'm sorry


Me: y do I have to go to the school?

Jay: I guess ill go then...?

Me: yea u will


Bre POV:

Me: Deshon come inside! it's getting late

I was calling Deshon to come and eat he has been outside with his dogs ever since he got home from school I got him 2 dogs for his birthday last month

CHAPTER 2 OF "The After Show"Where stories live. Discover now