Episode 5✨

99 12 19

Author POV

Muskan and Lia exited the classroom together, chatting about the day's lessons. As they stepped into the hallway, Muskan's eyes immediately landed on the bodyguards standing at a respectful distance. She felt a mix of embarrassment and relief, knowing they were there to ensure her safety but also conscious of the attention they drew.

Lia noticed Muskan's gaze shift and followed it to the guards. "Wow, those guys really take their job seriously,"

Lia said with a light chuckle.Muskan gave a small, apologetic smile. "Yeah, they do. I have to go now, Lia. I'll see you tomorrow," she said, her voice tinged with regret.

Lia nodded, understanding. "Of course, see you tomorrow, Muskan. Take care!"

"Fiamanillah" Muskan waved goodbye and started walking towards the exit, her guards falling into step behind her. As she stepped outside,

As Muskan settled into the car, the driver started the engine, and they began the journey back home. Just as the car pulled out onto the road, the driver broke the silence with a question that caught Muskan off guard.

"Um, ma'am, why didn't you lift Boss call ?" he inquired, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

Muskan's brow furrowed in confusion. "When did Ibrahim call me?" she asked, reaching for her phone. With a sinking feeling in her chest, she unlocked her device and found several missed calls from Ibrahim.

Her heart skipped a beat as she bit her lip nervously beneath her veil. "Okay, let me call him as soon as we reach home,"

Muskan reached the mansion, locked the door behind her, and walked towards their bedroom. She sat on the bed, removed her veil, hijab, and abaya, folding them neatly before placing them aside. Wanting to freshen up, she walked towards the washroom to perform her ablution. The cool water and the familiar routine of ablution helped her to feel more relaxed and at peace.

After finishing, Muskan felt calmer and more centered. She dried her face and hands, then returned to the bedroom, momentarily forgetting about the missed calls from Ibrahim

Muskan wore her long scarf and laid out her prayer mat. She began her Asr Salah with deep concentration, seeking tranquility in her prayer. After completing her Salah, she took the Qur'an and recited some verses, feeling a sense of calm wash over her.

Once finished, she carefully placed the Qur'an back in its place and folded the prayer mat. She then sat on the bed, feeling a bit more relaxed. Just as she was about to unwind, her phone suddenly started to ring loudly, startling her.

She reached for her phone, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Ibrahim's name flashing on the screen. Realizing she had forgotten to call him back, she quickly answered the call, bracing herself for what he might say.

Muskan took a deep breath and answered the call, "Assalamu alaikum, Ibrahim."

"Wa alaikum assalam," Ibrahim's voice came through, sounding both relieved and anxious.

"Muskan, are you okay? Did something happen? Why didn't you call me back? I was worried sick!"

"I'm fine, Ibrahim," Muskan replied gently, trying to calm him down. "I'm really sorry. I didn't see your calls until I was on my way back home. I got caught up in class and didn't think to check my phone."

Ibrahim sighed, a mixture of frustration and relief evident in his voice. "You don't know how worried I was. I kept thinking something might have happened to you."

My Halal Romance JJk📒🖇️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt