Episode 3 ✨

133 13 8

"Ya Allah"

Ibrahim POV

As I stepped out of the jet, my heart raced with apprehension as I beheld the multitude of press and onlookers gathered before me. The unexpected sight left me momentarily stunned, my mind racing to comprehend the situation unfolding before me.

My bodyguard, sensing my unease, moved to my side, his expression grave as he surveyed the scene before us. "Sir, it appears there's been a breach in security I think they got to know about your arrival" he remarked, his voice tinged with concern.

I nodded, my jaw clenched with determination as I sought to assess the situation. "We need to ensure Muskan's safety," I replied, my tone firm with resolve.

I swiftly turned back inside, ensuring Muskan remained sheltered from the chaos outside."Bring the car here immediately," I instructed my bodyguard firmly, urgency coloring my tone.

Without hesitation, he nodded, swiftly moving to relay my command and ensure Muskan's safety.Returning my focus to Muskan, I approached her with a reassuring smile, though concern still lingered in my eyes. "Stay here for just a moment, Muskan. I'll take care of everything," I reassured her softly, hoping to alleviate any anxiety she might be feeling.

With a nod of understanding, Muskan remained inside the jet, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of apprehension and trust. As soon as the car arrived, I quickly made my way back inside the jet to ensure Muskan's safety. With a sense of urgency, I motioned for Muskan to follow me, guiding her towards the waiting vehicle.

"Let's go, Muskan," I said softly, offering her a reassuring smile as I gently ushered her towards the car. Despite the chaos unfolding outside, I was determined to keep her safe and protected, whatever the cost.

As Muskan settled into the car, I climbed in beside her, a sense of relief washing over me as the doors closed, shielding us from the clamor of the outside world....

"What's happening, Ibrahim? Why were there so many people outside the jet?" Muskan's voice was filled with concern as she turned to me, her eyes searching mine for answers.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep her in the dark. "It seems there was some sort of breach in security," I explained, choosing my words carefully. "But don't worry, Muskan. I'll make sure you're safe."Muskan nodded, but her expression remained troubled, her mind undoubtedly racing with questions.

"But why would there be a breach in security? And why were they all there?"I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "It's... complicated but don't worry okay everything will be fine hmm" I began, searching for the right words. "But what matters is that you're safe now. That's all that matters to me."Muskan nodded, though I could tell she was still unsettled by the events. As the car pulled away from the jet

As we arrived at our new home, I couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Muskan's eyes as she took in the grandeur of the mansion before us. The sight of her awe-filled expression warmed my heart, and I couldn't resist a smile as we stepped out of the car.

"Mashallah," Muskan breathed, her voice filled with wonder as she took in the imposing facade of our new residence. "It's... it's beautiful, Ibrahim."I smiled at her reaction, feeling a swell of pride at the thought of sharing this new chapter of our lives together.

"I'm glad you like it, Muskan," I replied, reaching out to take her hand in mine. "It's our home now."Muskan's eyes widened in amazement as we stepped inside, greeted by the opulence of the mansion's interior.

She looked around in awe, taking in the elegant furnishings and spacious rooms with wide-eyed wonder."It's so big," Muskan remarked, her voice filled with excitement. "I don't even know where to start exploring."I chuckled at her enthusiasm, feeling a surge of joy at the prospect of making this house a home together.

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