82. It Just Isn't Fair

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As the weather was about to get cooler, the team decided it was time to do one more summer activity before fall came upon them. After a while of deciding, the team decided on going to the splash pad. It was accessible for Thread, and she wouldn't even have to leave her wheelchair, plus, it was something that the whole family could have fun doing.

The team got the little ones ready for the pool and headed out to their respective cars. Pin, Coiny, and Needle were excited to have their two little ones play together, especially since it's been hard for Thread to bond with Dimey, since the accident happened when Dimey was Barley a month old. Now, he's nearly 5 months old, and the throuple was sad at the fact that they had very few pictures of their children bonding together.

"Thank You for taking us here Mommy, mommy, and daddy," Thread cheered.

Coiny smiled, "of course, Thread, you've gone through so much, you deserve to have some fun!"

Dimey cooed in the backseat, where Needle was keeping an eye on the two kids, "Looks like Dimey is excited for the splash pad too."

Pin nodded while driving the car, "it's about time you two got to play together more again!"

In Saw and Gatys car, they were dealing with a similar situation: Bladey squealing in the back of their car, excited for the splashpad as well.

Gaty chuckled at her daughters excitement, "are you ready to have some fun with Thread and Dimey today?"

Bladey nodded, "yes, yes yes!" Bladey had just learned how to say the word, "yes" not that long ago, and since then, she's been using the word nonstop!

Saw was happy to see her daughters vocabulary start to expand, "That's right Bladey, yes, yes yes!"

However, unlike the other two cars, Barf Bag and Donut's car had some much different energy. Barf Bag had produced yet another negative pregnancy test that morning, and at this point, her and Donut were reaching the end of their patience. They were trying to lighten the mood by having fun with their friends and their nieces and nephew at the splash pad, but they couldn't seem to rid themselves of the negative energy. 

Barf Bag groaned, "It's not fair, Donut, why can't we look forward to this with our own kids?"

Donut sighed, "Come on Barfy, we tried doing this to try and lighten the mood, not feed into the darkness."

Barf Bag gazed out the window, feeling the sting of disappointment deep in her chest. "I know, Donut. It's just hard. Every time we try, it feels like we're getting further from our dream."

Donut reached over and squeezed Barf Bag's hand gently. "I understand, Barf Bag. We'll get through this together. Let's try to focus on the joy of today and the happiness of the kids. They need us to be there for them, and who knows, maybe some of their excitement will rub off on us."

Barf Bag gave a small nod, trying to muster a smile. "You're right. Let's make the best of it. The kids deserve a fun day."

The trio of cars arrived at the splash pad, and the excitement was palpable. The children's squeals of delight echoed as they approached the colorful fountains and water features. Thread's eyes widened with joy, and Dimey gurgled happily in Needle's arms.

Bladey pressed her face up against the window as if she was about to break it and run into the park herself.

"Alright Bladey," Saw giggled, "We're gonna have some fun soon! Just you wait!"

Slowly, the carloads with the kids got them ready for the splash pad, while Barf Bag and Donut found some lounge chairs in order to set up everyone's belongings. The weather was warm and the sky's were as blue as they come, perfect for a day of fun for the whole family.

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