Shenanigans and Harvest

762 29 13

Blake: We're seriously gonna do this?

Rimuru: Yes.

Blake: And why can't we just tell the others?

Rimuru: Because I, for once, don't want to be constantly smothered to death!

Blake: I thought you liked Shion smothering?

Rimuru: W-What?! No... shut up!

We were getting ready to go out fishing with Gobta and Milim at the crack of dawn.

And Rimuru wanted to do this without taking the others with us. He was planning on leaving a note to tell them where we had gone, but other then that, they were currently in the dark.

On that day, Milim couldn't keep her cool since the morning. Or in other words, she had come to hurry us up.

Rimuru: Don't worry, even though I won't get mad since I don't need to sleep in the first place, but you're really pushing it with your antics this time.

Milim: What are you talking about! I also only needed a little bit of sleep. That's all fine, so can we get going now?

Blake: Calm down.  We may be good to go, but it's still the middle of the night. Even if we go out this early in the morning, fishes could still be sleeping.

To be honest, I wasn't sure whether the fish were still asleep or not, but either way I was able to convince Milim to stay put. She had been looking forward to it way too much, and the only thing she could do was to come looking for us, to get things started.

Two hours later, it was finally time to set out as planned, accompanied by a happy Milim. We snuck out of my room and exited the building. Outside of town, we found Gobta waiting for us as promised.

Gobta: You're pretty early, I also just arrived.

Rimuru: Yeah pretty much, though Milim has hurried us many, many, many times...

Gobta: I... see...

It feels horrible having Gobta of all people trying to sympathize with us.

Milim: WHAAAA! Come on, let's set out now. I'll show you guys my real power in this thing called fishing

With Milim making such a boisterous statement, I got the feeling she may have misunderstood something.

I figured it would be fine if she caught anything, but if not, she may get bored easily.

Gobta: ...Is there really no problem?

Blake: Probably... let's not waste time thinking about it, if it doesn't work, we would just have to call it early.

Rimuru: Sounds about right. Then we should be on our way.

And so, we set out to fish and this time it was going to be a little different.

By that, I mean this time we'd actually be visiting the sea itself rather then just going to some river or lake. As the sun started shining with a bright smile. We had reached the seaside. It was my first time seeing the sea, and the only real difference between this and the lakes was both the size and sea creatures.

We found a stone bank and set up our spot for fishing.

Milim: What do we do with this?

Blake: Ah, so you need to combine it like this, and then hook the bait on it.

I decided to teach the first-time fisher Milim, who was very excited for what was to come, the basics of fishing—from rod composition to bait hooking. Gobta took out his own fishing rod but was immediately halted by Rimuru. It was a self-made fishing rod, consisting of a short branch with some fishing line tied to the end of it. 

Tensura: The Slime and the HybridKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat