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It didn't took long for Nina to bust inside Ruth's house, looking for Richard.
"WHERE IS HE?" She shouted, anger filling her eyes, while scanning the room in search for him.

She was quickly greeted by a shocked Ruth.
"Nina? Is everything alright?"
Nina payed her no attention, only to ask again where her brother was.
"He's in the backyard with-"

The angry girl immediately cut her off and rushed out to the backyard, channeling all of her strength in a fist in the process.
As soon as she was face to face with him, she punched him, leaving both Roberto and Mike confused.

Richard looked at her while touching his left cheekbone, his eyes were red, he looked demonic. But Nina didn't care.

"Nina what are you doing?!" Ruth screamed while reaching them outside.

Still, Nina ignored her, too focused on the curly boy to even care about Ruth.
"You had no right to tell her!" She loudly said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He pushed her away, causing Mike to physically hold him back and whisper in his ear to calm down.

"I went to Nancy's house as I finally had the courage to tell her how much I really liked you and guess what?"

The boy was stunned. She wanted to tell Nancy how much she liked him?
Suddenly, he forgot how angry he was, he forgot about the punch, about Nancy, about everything. Inside his mind, there was only Nina and her feelings for him.

But he also forgot that Nina was hating him in that moment because of what he did.

"Nina, I had to tell her." He said once he had calmed down.

"No, I HAD TO. She was my best friend! I betrayed her and I had to tell her. Not you."

He scoffed, passing a hand trough his curls.
"Don't you think we should also talk?"

She raised an eyebrow before looking at him dead in the eye.
"We have nothing to talk about." And she left, leaving three adults in confusion and a teenager heart broken.

"You teens are really weird, I'm back for like what? Two weeks? And I'm always assisting to the most dramatic shit ever. Are you going to get her and talk to her or you want to keep standing there and look stupid?" Mike turned to Richard.

"It's useless."

Mike glared at him before pushing him inside the house and leading him to the main door which he quickly opened.
"You are useless." And he pushed him out.
"Be a man and go get your girl."

Richard turned around to see Nina going home and he quickly walked up to her.
"Nina please wait."

As much as she wanted to keep walking, she simply couldn't. She stopped and turned around to face the boy she was in love with.

"I know I've been selfish, I had no right to tell Nancy the truth. The only reason why I did it is because I want to be with you and I was afraid I had to wait too long for you to talk to her, which is also wrong but I couldn't help it."
He said, slowly stepping closer to her.

"You're lying. You told her it was sexual tension and that you weren't feeling it anymore." She crossed her arms.

He furrowed his eyebrows confused.
"What are you talking about? I broke up with Nancy and I told her my feelings about you. I don't understand."

And then, realization hit them both.
"I can't believe it." She scoffed.
"How old is she? Four?!"

"Well now we're know for certain that she doesn't want us together."

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⏰ Última atualização: May 23 ⏰

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